616,864 Chickens Boiled Alive – Conditions at Japanese Poultry Slaughterhouses

The statistical data for poultry processing in fiscal year 2022 has been released. Unfortunately, the figures show a shocking number of chickens that were not properly processed and instead boiled alive. This resulted in their skin turning red and the chickens being discarded. The total number of such incidents was a record high of 616,864 birds, making it the worst year in terms of casualties. The extremely cruel act of boiling birds alive involves hanging chickens and ducks upside down by shackling their legs while they are conscious and attempting to cut their throats while they struggle and flail. This often fails to properly sever their necks, leaving them to…

Slaughtering, failure is bound to occur

In Japan, pigs and cattle are basically stunned at slaughterhouses before being decapitated and bled to death. However, this process is not 100% complete. This is because it fails. If the fainting process works correctly, the animal will suffer less pain and fear in the final stages. Therefore, efforts to improve the accuracy and reduce the number of failures must always be ongoing. Even one failure from the human point of view is a 100% failure for the animal, and there is no way to recover from it. This Japanese video is from a very common slaughterhouse. Failures are very common. Some people who have visited slaughterhouses will say “it…

Chickens Boiled Alive: The number of chickens killed in scalding tank increased again

558,181 chickens were boiled alive in 2021, revealed by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) data.  The number had continuously increased and hit the worst in 2021, which indicates there had been no efforts to minimize such errors at the slaughterhouses.  There are two types of facilities when we talk about slaughterhouses for chickens. One is to slaughter chickens for meat, and the other is to cull laying hens. In 2021, the number increased in the facility to kill chickens for meat while we saw slight improvements in the facility for hens. The impact is huge for the former facility since over 700 million birds are killed for…

We have confirmed the signboard for alerting the improvement of slaughterhouse

In the slaughterhouses that made requests for improvement and suggestions for improvement in 2017, a big signboard was set up to handle animals gently. The problematic treatment at this slaughter house is as follows. As a way to move pigs, the carriers and slaughter workers are doing “the often use of electric type pursuit equipment” “grasp the ear and the tail and pull it” “kick the body” “kick the face on the pig” “make a big voice like threatening” Through opportunities such as morning meetings, and they instructed the proper handling, and in order to continue the treatment, it was set up in two places where large stand posters are…

Improve methods to slaughter chickens!

Today, the methods of slaughtering chickens, whether they are for meat or eggs, are to hang them upside down in shackles. Then, they are put into an electrified water tank until unconscious, if they are lucky. Those unlucky ones get their throats (artery) slit while being conscious, bled to death, and then put into boiled water. In order to minimize the sufferings, they should be knocked unconscious or stunned by gas or electricity. Instead, chickens necks are cut without such procedures, then, electricity is used after, in order to let them bleed more or calm the chickens. In the EU, it’s not allowed to cut chickens’ necks without making them…