A list below shows dolphins that died from 2018 through Sept 27th 2019. Many of these individuals were born to breed, and died within three years after they were born, except for one skunk dolphin. This sinful act has been repeated in the history of aquariums. Sadly, these wild dolphins have had to lose their calves over and over. The breeding practice takes place not for the dolphins, but rather for humans for their entertainment and profit. A few of them survive, and live a long time, but most of them die. Dolphins live in groups of hundreds, sometimes even thousands. They raise their calves together, swim around the vast…
Sign petitions for animals
Every single signature is needed. Here is a list of petitions sponsored by ARCJ. Please sign and share. Chickens are suffering in caged rearing. Hardly able to move, their leg and wing bones break, all their instincts are denied, and their eggs get stolen. More than 1700 companies in the world have declared going cage-free, but Japanese companies are not stopping the use of the cruel eggs. This is a petition that asks companies and industry groups to switch to rearing methods without cages. Petition requesting cage-free rearing 73% of Japan's dairy farms are rearing dairy cows by tethering them so that they can hardly move. They keep getting milked…