Animal Rights Center
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Slaughter-themed piece wins a film award

In recent years, we have been making films for the general public based on footage of animal farms sent to ARCJ and our investigation activities. This is an attempt to have many people become aware of and think about the issues of animal agriculture. At the “Labor Festa” held on December 25, 2021, the screened “Please give me water, or light” won the Jury Prize. In addition, this work won first place in the participant questionnaire announced at a later date, and it is the first time that the animal-themed work won the award and attracted the attention of the audience at a film event dealing with many hard-line social…

Aman Tokyo 2023: fast-paced commitment to cage free, with ARC egg support!

Aman resorts, which operate a resort hotel chain mainly in Southeast Asia, Europe, the United States, and China, released a cage-free policy in 2021, and in response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, its Japanese locations, Aman Tokyo, Aman Kyoto, and Amanemu, made a cage-free commitment to transition to using only cage-free eggs by the end of 2023. Aman in Japan: background for the cage free transition ARCJ began negotiations with Aman Tokyo / Amanemu representatives for cage-free in 2020, during the COVID-19 emergency declaration. Aman Tokyo had already used cage-free eggs for some menus, but initially it seemed difficult, under COVID, to make the decision to switch…

Gazami crab’s last day

Until now, ARCJ has been raising awareness about aquatic animals, especially crustaceans, about “ethical” killing and cooking methods, and has made inquiries to shops that are too terrible. These live fish dishes were not seen at one time due to the corona disaster, but the state of emergency has lifted, and sales of live crustaceans and fishes are resuming to gather crowds at large supermarkets and tourist spots for example. The crabs in the photos were being sold at a souvenir shop at a roadside station in a rural area. They are palm-sized crabs who live in the warm waters of Japan and are sold under the names of gazami…


[50 Days of a Broiler – The World Viewed by Mei], a short film produced by Animal Rights Center Japan, has won the TVF2021 Award at the Tokyo Video Festival. The news came as a complete surprise to us, and we are thrilled to share it with everyone who has been supporting our activities. This is a three-minute short film that has been re-edited based on the footage titled [50 Days of a Broiler – The World viewed by Mei], which was released on Animal Rights Center’s official website in August last year. Since last year, ARCJ has been working on re-editing its collection of animal-related footages and making them…

Wisdom of Imu Hotel declaring both Egg Smart and Cage Free

Imu Hotel Kyoto and Animal Rights Center Japan have been on the path to cage-free over the past year, with occasional harsh debates. Originally with vegan options and a proven track record of food education events, including animal welfare, the hotel’s restaurant naturally has a deep commitment to ingredients. Initially, the food supplier used by Imu Hotel did not handle cage-free eggs, and there was a big hurdle to achieving cage-free without changing the favors at the restaurant. For this reason ARCJ introduced some poultry farms in the neighborhood, but it was difficult to get OK from the Imu Hotel side. The price of cage-free eggs that match the chef’s…

Short film [50 Days of a Broiler: The World Viewed by Mei] created, English version distributed

The year-end and new year holidays are the season for international film festivals. Based on the breeding record footage of broiler poultry farming [50 Days of a Broiler: The World Viewed by Mei] published for 50 days from August this year, Animal Rights Center Japan produced a short film of the same name in English for overseas audience, to be exhibited at several events. Unfortunately, however, in response to the spread of the coronavirus infection, the earliest film festival was postponed to be online, so we decided to release the film to the public in advance considering that the information would become out of date. The production involved volunteer supporters…

Oenosato Natural Farm is cage free “respecting chickens’ natural ways”

Oenosato Nature Farm in Yazu-gun, Tottori Prefecture has supported ARCJ’s Cage-Free & Egg-Smart Campaign.  Eggs used in restaurants, cafes, and souvenirs like sweets in the facility are all cage-free.  Only the eggs collected at the cage-free poultry farm in the ranch are used.  Pancakes and sweets made with cage-free eggs are gaining popularity. In addition, Oenosato Nature Farm has a 40,000-bird class cage-free poultry farm.They began cage-free rearing because “the founder, who was disappointed with modern poultry that treats chickens as if they were tools for laying eggs, treats chickens as living beings and raises them in their natural form” *1.“It is natural for chickens to run around freely on…