Upon entering this store to shop, the items were all ethical products that support various social issues. In Sapporo, Hokkaido is a dream shop for “greedy” consumers who want to care for animals, human rights, and the environment. Ethical Time, a select shop that sells miscellaneous goods, food, clothing, etc., incorporates various perspectives such as fair trade, animal welfare, vegan, organic, and eco. This store, which opened in April last year, runs a wonderful shop within Sapporo Factory in Sapporo.This shop has made a cage-free declaration that promises to use only cage-free eggs, and a tie-stall free declaration that promises that cattle will not be raised continuously tied!Cage free, and, tie-stall freeAlong with miscellaneous goods and food items, there is the ethical sweets pudding “Ethical Pudding”.The milk used is from “non-stressed and healthy cows that grow in an environment where they can graze and live freely, without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers”. Freely grazing outside and organic. The eggs used are from “cage-free rearing in which the birds can stroll freely”. Also, instead of regular sugar, beetroot sugar is used.The online shop also started in the midst of the coronavirus scare , and even people far away can now purchase cage-free & tiestall-free puddings. It might be a good gift for those who do not know cage free or free-range milk.Vegan cookies are also on sale.Toward more cage-freeIn Japan, the value of cage-free and free-range has been recognized in recent years, and many people have come to desire the transition to cage-free. The prices often seem to be a bottleneck, but eggs in moderation are sufficient; while doubled price for rice is tough, changing eggs is surprisingly easy. And it’s worth it.Will you contribute to animals’ suffering, or will you protect the dignity of the animals? It is your problem, and your decision. We hope that more companies will be proud to adopt cage-free, like Ethical Time and many other companies that have declared cage-free.↓ Cage free↓ CagesShops and companies can make cage-free declarations here!Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Share This Previous ArticleEstablishing confinement facilities such as sow stalls and battery cages with subsidies Next ArticleGood news! BALMUNG is fur free! 2020/06/23