The results of Japanese pig raising are not good.The breeding ability per sow is largely separated from overseas.The industry says that it is because the species are different, but the species used in the pig farming in Japan originally originated from the UK or Denmark. Although some species have been modified in Japan, species will not be a problem.In addition, few farmers breed the kind of pig (Duroc) which originally has few births.The climate certainly differs in each country and region, but it is the same handicap everywhere.The big difference is whether they do restrained breeding or not considering animal welfare.Japan USANetherlandsDenmarkAnnual number of childbirth (time) (a) number per birth (head) (b) 9.910.712.313.6Annual weaning number (head)(a)*(b) 22.825.629.531.4 From ambiguous and concrete Japanese flow animal welfare, you should switch to the original scientific and useful animal welfare now.*! *2 *3 to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Share This Previous ArticlePetitions to Protect Animal Welfare for the Tokyo Olympics Submitted to Cabinet Secretariat Next Article0.5 million Birds Boiled Alive at Slaughterhouse 2018/02/21