Starvation is an Ultimate Form of Animal Abuse

Say NO to Practice of Starving Animal to Death in Industry A broiler chicken company in Wakayama prefecture reportedly starved 140,000 chickens to death in 2020. The company belonged to the Arita Poultry Agricultural Cooperative. According to Wakayama prefecture, a chicken slaughterhouse owned by the same owner of this broiler chicken company went bankrupt first, which resulted in the inability to relocate the chickens , then starvation. They claimed they could not afford putting these chickens down, either. The prefecture didn’t step in to help euthanize the birds, either. And yet, the prefecture promptly executed an aid to clean up the corpses that cost approximately 100 million JPY, and handed…

Slaughterhouses abandon chickens for 72 hours MAFF’s Third Warning

n November 2018, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Wealth (MHLW) released an investigation report on the matter of slaughterhouses cramming chickens in cages and abandoning them for long hours. 72 hours of Abandonment The investigation by the MHLW was mentioned during the deliberation for the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MAFF) in the Diet on 21st November 2018. According to the report, the MHLW investigated 28 slaughterhouses out of 32 (as of 2016) in the country, excluding three houses in Okayama and one in Fukuoka. Investigations conducted by the MHLW typically focus on sanitary issues. Therefore, the results don’t present the facts that chickens cannot raise their heads…

Petition to ban “Pig Rodeo” in Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture

It’s been decided that the pig rodeo will be discontinued in 2017. What is Pig Rodeo? The event called ;Okuchi no Umi Carnival; in the town of Mikame, Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture, is where the Pig Rodeo takes place. The ;Pig Rodeo; is a contest consisting of people getting on the back of a pig and riding it as long as possible. This event has been held for more than 25 years with 10 pigs being used in the 2015 event. • The unwilling pigs squeal • They develop red, swollen necks and struggle to breathe • Some pigs stumble or are unable to walk, others drag their feet…