Animal Rights Center
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2024年11月19日に、串田誠一参議院議員にご同行いただき、アニマルライツセンター代表岡田、アニマルウェルフェア補助金獲得ボランティアチーム2名にて、皆さまから頂きました署名【日本の畜産動物の苦しみを減らすための補助金を国に求めます】23,103筆と陳情書を、環境省、農林水産省、厚生労働省に提出致しました。 各省庁と、日本のアニマルウェルフェアの低さ(特に畜産動物)と向上の必要性について陳情する有意義な時間を持つことができました。まず、日本の畜産動物保護レベルが世界最低ランクである理由として、法規制の弱さ、消費者など社会の意識の低さ、アニマルウェルフェア対応の設備費が現在はすべて農家負担であることを挙げ、設備費対策としてアニマルウェルフェア向上のための補助金制度の必要性を説明しました。畜産動物は感情を持ち、喜びも苦しみも感じる生き物であり、せめて生きている間の苦しみを軽減してあげたいという想い、しかし個人や民間団体の力だけでは限界を感じていることを述べました。 岡田からは、世界から見て最低レベルである日本のアニマルウェルフェアを向上させるためには、「畜産動物の飼育環境、設備を改善していくために関わる費用」、「動物たちに外科的処置をする際に痛みを減らす為の費用」、「と畜の際に動物たちを苦しめない為の設備等」、「アニマルフェアに対応した際の収益減の補填」のために、国からアニマルウェルフェアに関わる補助金を出すことが不可欠であることを説明いたしました。 また、厚生労働省、農林水産省、環境省それぞれの役割について言及し、この問題は国だけ、生産者だけ、消費者だけと単体の問題ではなく、それぞれ全てが問題意識を共有し改善、向上に向けて動かなくては解決しない問題であると伝え、各々が協力し合うことが必要だと再認識する場となりました。 一方で、飼育は農水省、と畜は厚労省など、畜産物の生産工程によって管轄省庁が分かれているため、担当の所在が不明瞭な工程があり、縦割り行政により抜け落ちてしまう部分が垣間見られました。ぜひとも省庁を超えた高い視座での課題解決を望みます。 串田議員からはアニマルウェルフェアを国の重要課題として位置づけ、世界へ日本もアニマルウェルフェアへ取り組んでいるという姿勢を見せるためにも、アニマルウェルフェアについて農水大臣の所信表明に盛り込むよう強く要請していただきました。 畜産動物たちを苦しみから救う為には補助金だけでなく動物愛護法の見直しも同時進行で進めていかなくてはなりません。そもそも動物に権利を与えるかどうかなどと人間が議論すること自体がおこがましいことであり、もともとある動物の権利を人間が無いものとしてしまっていることに気付かなくてはならないのではと思いました。 今回の陳情、署名提出が、その始まりの1歩となるよう強く願います。 改めて、署名にご協力をくださった皆様に心から感謝申し上げます。


12月15日(日)10時15分から12時の1時間45分、名古屋の伏見駅すぐのレンタルスペースで、名古屋出張セミナーを開催します。講師はアニマルライツセンター代表の岡田と、そしてPEACE 命の搾取ではなく尊厳を 代表の東さちこ氏です。現在進行中、そして来年改正が行われる予定の動物愛護法の改正の内容、問題、そして状況のシェアをします。 とても1時間半では足りなそうな濃い内容になりそうですが、同日13時からはすぐ近くの白川公園集合で、畜産動物や実験動物、展示動物たちのための動物愛護法改正を求めるデモ行進があり、そちらに合流します。 日時:2024年12月15日(日)10時15分(10時00分開場)~12時 場所:愛知県名古屋市中区栄2-9-9アンアザレアビル6階名古屋市営地下鉄東山線 伏見駅 徒歩5分こちらのレンタルスペース(スタジオフィックス名古屋栄伏見店 6A)です。 プログラム:挨拶動物愛護法 現在の不備実験動物・畜産動物・展示動物・輸送あなたにできること質疑応答 読み込んでいます… 全ての動物には生きる権利がある。動物愛護法改正で彼らを守ろう!VEGAN IS LOVE パレード 2024 NAGOYA(デモ行進) 動物のために法律変えたいと思う方、どなたでもご参加いただけます。詳細はこちらから! 【日時】2024年 12月15日 (日) 13時集合(14時出発)雨天決行(台風並みの暴風雨は中止)【集合場所】愛知県名古屋市中区栄2丁目16−17「白川公園」南東 出入り口付近

Animal Welfare Laws Don’t Really Exist in Japan: Livestock Animal Welfare is Among the Lowest in the World

Globally, Japan is significantly behind in two key areas of livestock farming: the density of bird species, such as chickens and ducks, and the methods of slaughter. The welfare of livestock animals in Japan has completely fallen behind international standards, and the reason is simply because there are no proper laws. This article will explain the differences in stocking density. | Crammed Far More Densely Than the Rest of the World To put it simply, both Japan’s egg-laying chickens and meat chickens are crammed in over 1.7 times more densely than in other countries. While many countries have regulations on the minimum space required for animal farming, Japan has none.…

Discussion on Amendments to the Animal Welfare Act: Only One Meeting for Livestock?!

The multi-partisan parliamentary group aiming for zero killing of dogs and cats has established a project team for amending the Animal Welfare Act. Since its launch on August 25, 2023, the PT has held 21 meetings to hear from stakeholders and deliberate on the direction of amendments. Out of these 21 sessions, however, only one touched on livestock animals, and just one on laboratory animals. Despite 1 billion livestock animals being killed annually, the issue remains far from the priorities of lawmakers. In the sole PT meeting addressing livestock, the discussions showed promise, but it is unlikely to expect significant amendments by 2025 at this rate.  17th PT: Hearings on…

Will Animal Testing for Cosmetics Be Banned in Japan?

On September 3rd, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Animal Welfare convened to discuss animal testing in cosmetics, including quasi-drugs, in Japan.  Globally, many countries are enacting laws to ban animal testing for cosmetics. In contrast, Japan has left the decision to the voluntary efforts of companies, creating an uneven playing field and allowing businesses with low awareness to continue unnecessary animal sacrifices.  Major cosmetic companies like Shiseido and Kao have already eliminated animal testing and are leading the industry, demonstrating that a legal ban would not hinder product development.  To that end, the All-Party Parliamentary Group has begun discussions among parliament members about instituting a ban on animal testing for…

Changed by the Voices of Citizens! Corporate Animal Welfare Today

In 2018, it was unimaginable for a company to prioritize animal welfare in its procurement policies. No such policies existed at the time, and the idea of a company publicly acknowledging it as a key issue seemed far-fetched. Fast forward to today, and many major food-related companies have adopted some form of animal welfare procurement policy. When we engage with companies that have yet to make public statements on this issue, we often highlight that they are falling behind their peers in Japan. The significant progress we’ve witnessed is a testament to our efforts in collaborating with businesses, financial institutions, and government entities, as well as the growing advocacy from…

Free-Range Certification Introduced for Osaka Expo for the First Time

The Osaka Kansai Expo Association has announced its recognition of the free-range egg certification from the Eco-Design Certification Center as an approved certification scheme. This means it has been recognized as meeting the association’s stringent procurement standards. However, in practice, the Expo’s procurement guidelines only require the same level of animal welfare as the Tokyo Olympics. As with the Tokyo Games, obtaining JGAP certification is considered sufficient, but the level of animal welfare mandated by JGAP remains relatively low. While the inclusion of free-range egg certification is a positive step, it’s unlikely that a significant portion of the Expo’s procurement will rely on free-range eggs. Nevertheless, the recognition that “free-range…

Request for Government Subsidies to Reduce the Suffering of Livestock in Japan – Support the Petition! –

Globally, Japan’s livestock protection index is ranked at the lowest level. Japanese companies are rated at the lowest level in the BBFAW (Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare) for animal welfare, making investment in them high-risk. This lag is not just affecting livestock farmers but is also negatively impacting the Japanese food companies in the future. How can we catch up?  Facing harsh realities In the summer of 2023, we investigated the proportion of laying hens raised in free-range systems. We discovered that only 1.11% (currently 1.12%) of them are free-range in Japan. At this rate, animals in Japan will continue to suffer for the next 10, 20, or 50…

Japanese in-ovo sexing technology for practical use 

On March 22, 2024, Representative Genki Sudo questioned the progress on the practical application of in-ovo sexing during a session of the House of Councillors’ Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In-ovo sexing is a technology aimed at resolving the issue of male chicks being culled on the first day of their life in the egg-laying poultry industry. In response, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries reported the following progress:  Regarding in-ovo sexing, the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) is developing a technique to determine the sex of chicken eggs within seven days after incubation begins. This technology involves using AI to analyze in-egg images obtained through…

survey revealed animals in Japan are denied drinking water at 38% of cattle, and 72% of pig slaughterhouses

Animals deserve water, even in their final days. A 2023 survey conducted by the Animal Rights Center Japan revealed animals in Japan are denied drinking water at 38% of cattle, and 72% of pig slaughterhouses. Pigs and cattle in Japan are transported for hours, often up to a day, before arriving at a slaughterhouse. There, they might endure an entire day before their slaughter takes place, and during all that time might not receive drinking water, even in Japan’s intense hot summers. According to a survey conducted from May to July 2023 by the nonprofit Animal Rights Center Japan, 37.82% of cattle, and 71.64% of pig slaughterhouses in Japan lack…

Should animals be given legal status?

Koichi HOSOKAWA, Professor, Japan Women’s University More and more people consider pets to be family members. The term “companion animal” is also becoming more common. On the other hand, abuse and abandonment of pets and ill-treatment in the pet industry are often in the news.  If you kill or injure someone else’s animal, you can be punished under criminal law for damaging property. However, this provision does not apply if the animal’s owner does the same. It is a crime to destroy someone else’s property, and animals are simply treated as property. The crime of damaging property is punishable by imprisonment of up to 1 year or a fine of…

82.8% of people will not buy fur in the future: Result of awareness survey on fur

From June to July 2022, the Animal Rights Center conducted an awareness survey on fur (animal fur). As a result, 82.8% of people answered that they would not buy fur in the future. In addition, the characteristics by age and gender are also prominent, and although men in their teens have the coldest attitude toward animals, women in their teens are second to be kind to animals, following those over 60 years old. In other age groups, there is no difference in trends between men and women, but teens seem to have different values. It is also clear that females generally have a kinder attitude towards animals, while males, especially…

The egg industry corruption case – Mr. Akita and former agriculture minister Yoshikawa both found guilty, but problems continue

The court’s ruling of the bribery case, in which the former CEO of the leading egg company AKITA Foods had bribed the then Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Yoshikawa to lower the standards of animal welfare, has become final and binding. They were both found guilty and rightly so. See here for related articles including an overview of the case. (As for the contents of the court’s ruling, please search news articles) We must not end with just 2 guilty people Is this the conclusion of the case? Having been witnessing absurdity of the poultry industry and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) since around 2018, before…

Corporate animal welfare procurement standards, slowly but gradually

Animal welfare progress by companies in Japan is far behind that of the rest of the world. This is apparent both in the Ethical Report Card of Companies that ARCJ participates in the rating of and in the ranking conducted by an evaluator for overseas investors. However, efforts for animal welfare are steadily progressing in Japan as well. Of course, what are driving this trend are the voices of consumers and citizens, and citizens’ groups like us who negotiate with companies with those voices on our back, and recently, consumer groups are participating in this movement as well. Let’s take a look at the situations of companies, though it is…

Ministry of the Environment definition: Making animals fight is illegal

Cockfighting is illegal. As soon as 2 male gamecocks are placed in a pen, it can be illegal. On 2022/4/28, Shizuka Terata questioned the illegality of cockfighting at the House of Councilors Environment Committee. “Regarding Article 44, Paragraph 2, whose penal provisions have been tightened by the recent amendment, I think that making gamecocks fight itself may fall under the item of making a protected animal perform an act that may cause physical injury unreasonably, and is subject to the penalties of the Act on Welfare and Protection of Animals. I would like to ask the opinion of the Ministry of the Environment.” In response to this, Director Okuda of…

Animal Welfare Award 2022: winners announced

We’re announcing the Animal Welfare Award winners for FY2021. Animal Welfare Award (AWA) is an award annually selecting and giving thanks to companies that consider animals and work on animal welfare in Japan which is lagging behind the world in terms of animal welfare for livestock and aquatic animals. In the view of Animal Rights Center Japan that works to protect livestock animals in Japan, efforts resulting in the biggest impacts have been recognized. Please see the results below:

METI recognizes the importance of animal welfare

On 2022/4/7, at the House of Councilors Economic and Industrial Committee, Representative Kiyoshi Adachi brought up animal welfare as one of the challenges for Japan’s economy. Actually this is the first time that farm animal welfare has been brought up by the Economic and Industrial Committee. From this, we can see that the discussion on economics and business was completely omitted from the discussion of animal welfare in Japan. Mr. Kiyoshi Adachi cited “creation of corporate value” and “branding of Japanese food” as reasons for taking up animal welfare at the Economic and Industrial Committee. He asked how we should tackle animal welfare in the context of ESG investment and…

Can’t the Agriculture Ministry change? – Animal Welfare Committee met behind closed doors

Following the investigation report after a scandal in the egg industry, their first information exchange session about animal welfare was held. As this investigation report mentions the importance of improving transparency of the government office, this is a great way to rebuild citizens’ trust in the government. As this article explains, there was a history where some officers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) were entertained by Akita Foods where they were incentivized to lower the bar for animal welfare standards. As a result, the officers made decisions without consulting the opinions by the committee of experts.  Despite this, the information exchange session was held behind closed…

Genome-editing technology, no animal welfare assessment in Japan

Genome-editing technologies can cause animals to suffer. The technologies, however, have already been applied to animals. Ahead of other countries, in Japan, genome-edited red sea bream and Fugu, or blowfish, have been fully developed and are already on the market. Genome-editing technology and genetic modification technology are essentially the same in their meaning. Although regulations applied to such technologies are different depending on countries, some of them use the terms “genome-editing” and others use the term “genetic modification”. What these technologies do are adding, deleting, or changing gene materials on the specific spots of genome (the complete set of genetic material and information organisms have). These technologies are essentially the…

Ise Foods, which confines the largest number of animals in cages in Japan, filed for corporate reorganization

In March 2022, Japan’s largest egg producer Ise Foods, faced by financial difficulted, filed for corporate reorganization, drawing much attention since. Ise Foods keeps more birds in battery cages than any other companies in Japan, counting to as many as 13 million hens. While they have begun to introduce cage-free rearing methods in the United States, the pace has been extremely slow. Given that timing, they appear to have inevitably done so as some US states announced stringent regulations that would ban the trade of cage-reared eggs. There are many ways to describe Ise Foods; the largest egg company in Japan, a frontier of the low margin high turnover business…