In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Kowata Shoten in Iwate responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration.The owner says, Cage-free rearing doesn’t pay compared to cage rearing.But because they lay eggs for us, I want to be particular about their rearing method. This is a cafe that sells bread and sweets and they use cage-free eggs from Ludens farm.A simple thing we can do to reduce the number of hens who continue getting exploited in their cages and go through life immobilized is for the consumers to stop buying cage-reared eggs and eliminate your egg consumption.Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Share This Previous ArticleHiyokono Cafe House, an organic cafe is cage-free Next ArticlePrima Meat Packers Ltd.- Their first step towards Gestation Crate Free 2020/08/21