Will the G7 International Conference be a Cage-Free Step?

International conferences, which had been blocked due to the Corona disaster, are now being held with the same level of glamour as in the past. International events that host dignitaries from various countries, promote exchanges among participants, and encourage media traffic are undoubtedly a great opportunity for animal welfare to make progress. Due to the corona outbreak that began in 2019, the Tokyo Olympics, which were scheduled to be held in 2020, were held the following year without spectators, which did not allow animal welfare to make the leap forward as envisioned before the corona. For the first time since then, the G7 summit is expected to be the first…

H5N1 Avian Influenza Reveals the Limits of Factory Farming

The avian flu is raging and companies are being forced to stop producing and selling egg products. This seems to be a major opportunity for food companies to learn about the risks of livestock production for the first time since the mad cow disease. The current avian influenza pandemic is one of the H5N1 subtype A influenza viruses, which mutated into a highly pathogenic strain in 2003 and is potent in several ways. Development of Avian Influenza Avian influenza is a type A flu that infects humans, pigs, and many other animals, all of which come from birds. Originally circulating in waterfowl as a natural host, the virus has infected…

Imperial Hotel TOKYO’s efforts to reducing animal suffering

What is necessary to resolve the common issue of human beings, the earth and animals is to change animal proteins to better ones and intake them less. Efforts to save animals, promoting animal welfare and veganism are inseparable, as are two wheels of a vehicle. Now that companies are required to work on solving social issues through their core business, the Imperial Hotel TOKYO, after a talk with Animal Rights Center Japan, has started offering “vegan French gastronomy” and “banana smoothie with soy milk and soy flour” as wellness accommodation at the end of last year. Furthermore, they announced they will offer a “sustainable room service plan,” in which people…

A Must-read Book for Children, “Someday Under the Sky -The Sakura School Hikari Newspaper-” was Published!

A new children’s book “Someday under the Sky Sakura School Hikari Newspaper” has been published. This children’s book should be read by all elementary and junior high school students, or even adults. One day, Asuka met an injured chicken in a corner of a poultry farm.By saving the chicken, which was about to be disposed of, she learns about the reality of this poultry farm.What is the happiness of the chickens and what is our responsibility? ……Asuka was troubled and decided to write a newspaper and publish it. Amazon As those who have visited the Animal Rights Center’s website and social medias know, chickens die and are killed every day…

In summer 2022, demand and supply of cage-free eggs has increased.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer demand for cage-free eggs has increasing. Looking at the sales trends of other products, it can be inferred that consumer psychology has an impact. The psychology of consumers is that they want to eat something good at home because they can’t go anywhere, or they want to take in something good for their body to build their immunity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when people could hardly go out for shopping, food delivery businesses such as Co-op grew significantly. Last year, demand of cage-free eggs at Co-ops throughout Japanincreased by more than 100% over the previous year. (The demand has become twice as much as the…