Last Chance Rescue: Saving 8 Pigs from Slaughter
Left behind at a pig farm on the brink of closure, We want to save the last 8 pigs from the fate of slaughter. We want to give these pigs a chance to live! We are rescuing 8 large farm pigs from the pig farm. We need new land, a house, fencing, transportation, food, care and everything. Please lend us your support. Please donate for the pigs. This project started in March 2024, and we are currently working at a fast pace to prepare. Although we haven't been able to share all the details yet, we are working as quickly as possible to free the pigs from their concrete pens.…
Koharu’s story — rescued from a battery cage —

Koharu was rescued from a battery cage in Japan by Animal Rights Center Japan. 95.2% of the egg farms in Japan are using battery cages.  Koharu was in a battery cage of a windowless egg farm. She was blind when she was rescued.  But her eyes opened in few days.  She started dust-bathing in a few weeks. Now she was adopted by a new family and she got new mother(human), new sisters and brothers (2 chickens, some cats, and one dog).  She seems to love them so much, especially her mother and the dog. Please support ARCJ help Koharu’s friends.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​