Organize a talk! We will send lecturers.

Please request seminars and  speakers for events.

Speaker dispatch

Animal Rights Center can send speakers / lecturers.
Among the themes related to animal rights and animal-friendly lifestyles, we will match the theme to the purpose of the event, so please contact us via the inquiry form on this page or at 03-3770-0720.


1. Meat consumption and environmental issues

The impact of meat consumption will be explained using data.
“What should I have for dinner today?” — Aren’t you thinking that it’s a strictly personal concern?
If you are considering a dish that uses meat of animals in today’s menu, you are causing negative impacts on many issues:

  1. Global warming
  2. Forest destruction
  3. Exhaustion and pollution of water resources
  4. Food supply issues (hunger issues)
  5. Destiny of animals
  6. Your health
  7. Violence

These issues will be discussed.

2. Importance of farm animal welfare

What is animal welfare?

The problem will not be solved by simply stopping eating animals.
One aspect of animal rights movement is getting the animals’ living environment closer to nature, understanding that animals are not born to become food.
Healthy living in nature = good human health and food safely.  Realizing this requires drastically reducing the number of farmed animals…, which is the right number.
Along with reducing animal sacrifice by becoming vegan, the importance of carefully maintaining the animals’ environments will be communicated.

3. Know the animals’ rights

Animals face many problems under human domestication.
Farmed animals, laboratory animals, household animals, display animals, … the cases in which animal rights need to be protected and why this is necessary will be discussed using examples.

4. Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics and animal welfare

Standards are set for meals at the Olympics venue and at Athletes’ Village.
These standards for 2020 Tokyo Olympics fall back significantly compared to the London and Rio Olympics.

How does it work?  Why necessary?  What effects?  What are the reactions of foreign athletes?
These will be discussed along with explanation of farm animal welfare.

5. Are zoos cruel?

Reality in zoos in Japan, animals’ natural behaviors, species conservation claimed by zoos, etc will be explained from animal rights perspective.  How we can improve zoos, what to do with entertainment, how to realize living environment enrichment, etc will be discussed.

Examples of past seminars and study sessions

  • Lecture on animal rights at Aoyama Gakuin University.
  • Many lectures on farm animals and environment at environmental events, vegetarian events, AR events.
  • Lecture on “Eco and meat eating — Japanese eating habits can sustain only 3.6 billion people on Earth –” at environmental symposium at Kanagawa Sohgoh High School.
  • Lecture on “Killing of dogs and cats, and the fundamental solution” at Ryōgoku Junior & Senior High School.
  • Talks on “fur” and “farm animals” at 69 events hosted by celebrity Miyuki Matsuda.
  • Lecture on fur and farm animal issues (including environment) at Rikkyo University.
  • Lecture on fur and farm animal issues (including environment) at Yokohama National University.
  • Lecture on Meat-Free Mondays and farmed animal issues at Hitotsubashi University school festival.
  • Lecture on eggs at Tokyo City University.
  • Lecture on zoos and farm animal issues at Rissho University.
  • Lecture on farm animal issues at a film screening event at a cinema in Kawagoe.
  • Lecture at Ethical Concierge.
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