Animal Rights Center
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Petitions to Protect Animal Welfare for the Tokyo Olympics Submitted to Cabinet Secretariat

We’ve been campaigning to change animal welfare for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics that is currently under threat. Mr. Katsuya Ogawa of the House of Councilors and the Animal Rights Center submitted 11,132 petitions from 36 domestic and international groups regarding the animal welfare for livestock animals to the Headquarters for the Promotion of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. They stated that the events’ procurement code is actually owned by the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games so the headquarters is not involved. It was also pointed out there is a limitation for cost that is allocated for food, so the committee may not be able…

We have confirmed the signboard for alerting the improvement of slaughterhouse

In the slaughterhouses that made requests for improvement and suggestions for improvement in 2017, a big signboard was set up to handle animals gently. The problematic treatment at this slaughter house is as follows. As a way to move pigs, the carriers and slaughter workers are doing “the often use of electric type pursuit equipment” “grasp the ear and the tail and pull it” “kick the body” “kick the face on the pig” “make a big voice like threatening” Through opportunities such as morning meetings, and they instructed the proper handling, and in order to continue the treatment, it was set up in two places where large stand posters are…

PETITION:Ban Gestation Crates in Japan!

This is a picture taken at a pig farm in Japan in 2017. This is called the gestation crate, namely, “crate for mother pig,” which is being used in almost all pig farms throughout Japan. Please help, sign the petition! In Japan, mother pigs for breeding are raised one by one in a constrained situation like this. The width of each crate is so small that the mother pig cannot even change her position in the crate.   Gestation crates in Japan (taken in 2013~2017)   The use of gestation crates has already been banned in many countries, but is still legal in Japan (88.6% of Japanese pig…

News Reports on Animal Welfare for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics

  It’s been pointed out by several reports that the animal welfare standards of livestock for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics Games have been lowered. Some of them even clearly stated it’s highly problematic or the standards are not good enough. It doesn’t appear that our legislation and the Olympic Committee have responded to such voices so far. Can we really let this issue slide? As Prof. Hosokawa points out in Toyo Keizai Online, we’re missing an opportunity to improve Japan’s agriculture that has been left behind by the world. Sooner or later the world as well as wise consumers will realize that the “animal welfare” claimed by the Japanese…

Please don’t eat chickens

There are no holidays in animals. From Christmas to the end of the year, the sufferings of animals increase. Please spend an animal friendly holiday. Please remove animals from your table.Unfortunately this year the chicken consumption increased and the chicken suffering increased. This is because more people eat chicken meat due to health consciousness. The number of sacrifices of chickens that can only obtain only about 1500 g of meat from 1 bird is high. The volume of suffering is not proportional to the size of the body. If one is killed, one suffering will be born. Please count the number of chickens that you and your family have suffered…

General Questions about Animal Welfare in the Miyagi Prefecture Assembly

In the Miyagi prefectural assembly held on September 12th 2017, Mr. Tsuneharu Sakai from Miyagi Kenmin no Koe, a member of the assembly, raised 3 general questions about animal welfare. Mr. Sakai has also asked to the governor before about developing a system to find families for dogs and cats to adopt. This time, he asked about transitioning the current systems that use battery cages for egg-laying hens and gestation crates for pigs to systems that take animal welfare into account more. He also requested the prefecture tackle on animal welfare issues more, especially in terms of the current situation for the drinking facility in slaughterhouses and more humane transportation systems…

How long should this continue? –Agonized horses at Ageumashinji festival

Horses rolling down Horses strangled by people Horses surrounded by unfamiliar crowd A horseman clutches tightly to the horses back Bits are tightly pulled Horses are usually timid and are unable to move forward when strangers surround them. Such animals are in a situation where people in colorful clothes, unfamiliar men who are excited, and there is a tall wall in front of them. Such an event is thought to be the Shinto ritual, and the crowds cry out loud to round up horses. It is obscene that people cheer to see horses tumble down, and humans get injured. Accidents have happened even after the angle of wall has improved…

Horses killed for meat – Raised in horrific conditions

What do you imagine when you hear a word “horse”? Horse race Horse ride History drama Horse carriage Processions (Daimyo-Gyoretsu) Horses used at events Hormone agents Shampoo made of horse oil … and Horse meat Horses are used in many scenarios. However, almost all horses end up being killed for their meat. Where do horses in Japan come from and what’s their destiny? How much sacrifice are we talking about? The number of horses raised in Japan, except for the ones raised for meat, is approximately 70,000. The number slaughtered in 2015 was 12,466. Kumamoto prefecture killed more horses than any other, of which the number was 5,642, followed by 2,701…

“I try not to forget the courtesies against chickens.”

There is rare in Japan(maybe in the world), a no-kill and free-range egg farm. They are sweeping through the green grass on a spacious site, digging the soil, taking a dust bath and chickens are busy days.Sometimes a group headed by a male go a walk to the next house with their own will.Here you can see the real chicken’s social life. The owner Kawahara said Chicken is a small creature of the body. Summer is a difficult season for chickens with an average body temperature around 42 ° C, which must be lifted and overcome. And from the beginning of autumn, until May of the following year, the tension…

Increase in numbers of windowless poultry houses in Japan

A belief in safety of windowless poultry houses is widely accepted in Japan. However, it’s only a myth that bird flu can be prevented if contact with wild birds is prevented. It is true that some wild birds, out of dozens, who died in Japan carried bird flu, but bird flu of broiler chickens has not been prevented by cutting contact from wild birds through windowless poultry houses.  See types of poultry houses in which bird flu was discovered here.(JP) And yet, the number of windowless poultry houses has been increasing because of this false belief. Poultry houses     Open Semi-windowless Windowless total 2007 Number of poultry house 6,991…

Study Group held on Animal Welfare issues within the Democratic Party

On June 14th in 2017, Katsuya Ogawa, the first Animal Welfare Study Group was held, which was called by a member of the House of Councilors and Takashi Shinohara, a member of the House of Representatives. In the beginning, Mr. Ogawa pointed out that he had raised the issue of how behind Japan was in terms of animal welfare in the diet, how the discussion with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan had not progressed, and he felt a sense of crisis that we must do something now to move forward to meet standards similar to foreign countries’, towards the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics held in 2020.…

[Progress Report] Petition to call for cage-free eggs

As of June 7th 2017, the petition for “Please do not lock down laying hens” has collected 14,565 signatures. We have been delivering these voices to companies that deal with eggs. Hearing from some of these companies, we got the impression that their awareness of welfare issues on animals in the agriculture business has risen in comparison to how they were several years ago. The people in charge of these companies didn’t even know words such as “cages” and “free-range” back in 2014, when we turned in our petition to one of the biggest 24 supermarkets in Japan. However, the companies we inquired this time are aware of the issue of eggs…

JGAP Certificate Issued, not promising animal welfare

On April 1st, the standard of JGAP (Certificate of agriculture), which was included in the standards of procurement for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, was announced after solicitation of public comments. Some items became mandatory, which had not been in the initial proposal. An animal welfare issue for transportation was also added to the standard. However, the overall standard is really loose in terms of animal welfare, just as we were concerned with. Points for Management in light of Animal Welfare Must set a person who is responsible for care and management Must document policy and objectives including animal welfare issues Must improve [animal welfare] by conducting self-check at least…

Tokyo Olympics & Paralympics: Downgrading Animal Welfare Issues

Following the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics 2020, public comments were called for upon the draft of the Sustainable Sourcing Code on procurement for sustainable food. In the draft, the standard of animal welfare was stated as follows: (4) Livestock products produced by taking appropriate measures to raise livestock animals in a comfortable environment with reference to the Animal Welfare-oriented Livestock Management Standards. The draft also referred to JGAP or Global G.A.P as acceptable certifications. Those who are not certified by JGAP or Global G.A.P may also consider the GAP Acquisition Challenge System, which is a prior step before acquiring a JGAP certificate. JGAP is a certificate system that is being…

Improve methods to slaughter chickens!

Today, the methods of slaughtering chickens, whether they are for meat or eggs, are to hang them upside down in shackles. Then, they are put into an electrified water tank until unconscious, if they are lucky. Those unlucky ones get their throats (artery) slit while being conscious, bled to death, and then put into boiled water. In order to minimize the sufferings, they should be knocked unconscious or stunned by gas or electricity. Instead, chickens necks are cut without such procedures, then, electricity is used after, in order to let them bleed more or calm the chickens. In the EU, it’s not allowed to cut chickens’ necks without making them…

Notice on Drinking Facilities at Slaughterhouses by MHLW

Currently, there are few drinking facilities at slaughterhouses in Japan. Cows and pigs can’t drink water on their last day*1. Motivated by the question asked by Mr. Katsuya Ogawa of the Democratic Party, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare issued a notice about “Placement of drinking facilities for animals at slaughterhouses newly built or renovated” to all prefectures and cities with public health centers. This notice prompts drinking facilities at slaughterhouses referring to the animal welfare standard of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE.) Notice No. 0308  Article 8. March 8, 2017 To: Directors of Responsible Public Health Division (Bureau) in all prefectures and cities with public health centers From:…

We lodged this petition to 14 owl cafe and owl shop

We lodged this petition to 9 owl cafe and owl shop(selling owl as a companion animal) , One of them stop selling owl anymore, but others no reaction. Hokkaido 1 Miyagi Prefecture 1 Gumma Prefecture 1 Kanagawa Prefecture 4 Tokyo 5 Chiba Prefecture 1 Hyogo Prefecture 1 One of the owl shop are one of Japanese big home improvement retailer. They said to us [After the last one owl will be sold, we will stop to sell owl anymore. As a result of considering the ecology and characteristics of the owl, we decided.] Please sign the petition End owls café where the birds are constrained and immobile

Remembering SATSUKI

SATSUKI who rescued by Animal Rights Center in 2016, passed away in this February. It was ten months since she was rescued from the battery cage just before being killed as a culled chicken. May your soul rest in peace, And please never be born again as a chicken next time.

Coop Shizenha Decided Not to Sell Foie Gras for Chirstmas This Year

We learned that Coop Shizenha decided not to sell foie gras for Chirstmas this year. We’d been requesting not to do so for a while. A person in charge at the Coop told us that there had not been many demands for foie gras anyways so they just let it go based on the opinions by the coop members this year. We did not get a promise by the Coop that they would do the same next year. However, the Coop has been a leading company that is aware of food issues. So we hope they will discontinue to sell foie gras. “Force feeding” in the process of making foie gras. Animals…

Sacrifice for real fur – decrease by 325,551 animals

According to foreign trade statistics by the Ministry of Finance, the import of real fur has decreased in 2016 as well as the year before. What is remarkable is the decrease by cost. The value of real fur has dropped significantly globally, and as well as in Japan. For the whole fur, including all parts such as hands and tails, the cost was ¥17,755 per body in 2015, but it was ¥10,780 in 2016 dropping by 60.75%.  Though the number of imported fox fur has increased, the rest of fur items has decreased. The number of imported fur items for apparel in 2016, except for shoes, was 4,009,020, weighing 1,730,789 kg.…