End owls café where the birds are constrained and immobile

“interactive” cafe using raptors such as owls A business aimed at “interaction” with animals has been spreading the last few years. Among them, cafes using owls are increasing in number. Being healed by interacting with charming owls with big round eyes, that’s the selling point for the owl café. However, the owls do not agree to heal people. It’s called “interactive” but there is no “interaction” there. Some are constrained and the others are unilaterally touching them.   Owls are used for commerce, being stuck with a short leash, not able to drink water when they want to, getting their pictures taken, and are not able to fly away when…

Fashion magazine WWD[Spreading FUR FREE]

13th June 2016, a fashion magazine WWD Japan wrote about ECO fur titled [spreading FUR FREE]. They said the reason why fur free is spreading in Japan in this decade is Japanese organization against real fur. Of coource it’s Animal Rights Center Japan! We orgnize fur free campaign after we know the terrible situation in Chinese fur industries in 2004. Many companies including Japanese companies changed their attitude for fur because real fur is too cruel. WWD is the leading media in the fashion industry in Japan. Reason was written in the top news is also the fact that the wave of the world’s eco-fur is based on Japanese technology.…

Itoman Harley: Abolish the Duck Picking Competition.

Itoman Harley” is held every year on the fourth day of the fifth lunar month in Itoman City, Okinawa.The “Duck Catching Competition” is held during the race. Ducks are thrown into a fishing harbor, and the frightened ducks are caught and brought back as prizes. Entertainment and events that involve the suffering and pain of animals are not appropriate in this day and age of heightened awareness of animal welfare. Petition A petition has been set up to call for the abolition of the “Duck-Catching Competition.Please sign the petition if you agree with it.https://goo.gl/uQXwxe Send Opinion Please submit your opinion to Itoman City to abolish “Duck catching competition”!http://www.city.itoman.lg.jpEnter from “Opinions…

Save mother pigs!

15 celebrities have commented against the restraint of pigs: sow stalls. Musician Masami Akita, Professor of Animal Behavior at the University of Colorado Mark Bekov , Faculty of History, Bukkyo University (Tibetan Buddhist Culture) Professor Toshinzo Onoda, Rissho University Associate Professor Muneyuki Nakamura , Princeton University Human Value Center Bioethics Professor Peter Singer, Professor Rakugo Tachikawa Hachibayashi Rakugo, Musician SunPlaza Nakano-kun, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Tokyo Prof. Masaki Ichinose, Peer Counselor Human Rights Activist Yuho Azumi, Picture Book Writer / Painter / Poet Sakiaki You, Sculptor Kumi Kanatsu, Animal Journalist Eiki Sato Tenri University Faculty of Human Studies Professor Chihiro Asakawa, Japan Women’s University…

Petition to ban “Pig Rodeo” in Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture

It’s been decided that the pig rodeo will be discontinued in 2017. http://www.arcj.org/animals/sacrifice/00/id=884 What is Pig Rodeo? The event called ;Okuchi no Umi Carnival; in the town of Mikame, Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture, is where the Pig Rodeo takes place. The ;Pig Rodeo; is a contest consisting of people getting on the back of a pig and riding it as long as possible. This event has been held for more than 25 years with 10 pigs being used in the 2015 event. • The unwilling pigs squeal • They develop red, swollen necks and struggle to breathe • Some pigs stumble or are unable to walk, others drag their feet…

Maruhan Puts Up Fur-free Posters

Maruhan, a pachinko parlor that has 300 shops nationwide, agreed to put up our fur-free posters at their shops. On March 2nd 2016, Maruhan asked every branch to hang the fur-free posters and the no-pet shop poster by Juridical Foundation Animal environment & Welfare Association Eva. (There appears to be a new display came out in April so only some branches are still hanging the posters.) Some branches actually received some comments that they support the fur-free movement. More and more Japanese apparel companies have stopped selling fur, but only a few actively voice their stand on no-fur. So this act by the big pachinko parlor is very much appreciated. For more details,…

In front of the Skylark general meeting of stockholders. Action to end the sale of Foie Gras

Today we held a demonstration in front of the Skylark general stockholder’s meeting. During the general meeting, one of  the Skylark stockholders suggested that Skylark sell a replacement version of fois gras like faux gras instead. He told us that one of the director’s of Skylark had said that fois gras is popular with Japanese customers because it is  is unusual, but that he understood there were issues and problems related to the selling of fois gras. We need to undertake a more powerful campaign to convince Skylark to take fois gras off the menu.

Poster Session at the 121st Japanese Society of Animal Science Convention

We presented our poster at the 121st Japanese Society of Animal Science Convention. Among over 300 presentations, there were only us and another organization that presented on the topic of animal welfare. The issue of animal welfare is still developing in Japan, not to mention the issue of animal rights.  However, many people stopped to see our poster, and asked for more documents, so we thought many are, in fact, interested in animal welfare issues. Most visitors were associated with animal husbandry research universities, national research institutions, and also students of animal husbandry colleges. We ask those who are, or wish to pursue professions in such fields, to research and…

Yamahisa Stop Selling Pet Toys with Real Fur!

Two years ago, we handed a petition to Yamahisa asking them to stop using real fur for their pet toys, and discussed it with them in detail. They responded that they could “not stop immediately but can look at reducing the use of fur over time.” On February 23, 2015, we checked in with them and can confirm that they have reduced the use of real furto zero. Thank you Yamahisa! And thank you to everyone that signed the petition!

VICTORY! Rohto Stops Animal Testing for Cosmetics!

Thank you very much for signing the petition to stop Rohto from testing cosmetics on animals. Because of your support, we have finally received confirmation from Rohto that they have stopped testing cosmetics and raw materials on animals! On February 2, 2016, Rohto told us: ・For cosmetics (including unregulated drugs) and raw materials, we have abolished animal testing, including for ingredients under development. ・This rule was applied from January 27, 2016. ・This also applies to outsourcing (i.e. Animal tests will not be outsourced). It was because of your signatures that we could achieve this great result for the animals. Thank you again!  It was because of your signatures that we…

Change in Fur Importation in 10 years from 2005 to 2015

The Animal Rights Center began our anti fur campaign with just two people in 2005. Before that, we educated only by presenting panels locally. However, since the cruelty in the Chinese fur industry was revealed around that time, we started walk-outs, panel presentations, leaf-letting, posting in newspapers and signboards. Fur consumption in Japan can be shown by looking at its importation as there is only one fur farm (approximately 1500 minks) in Japan. Transition in importation of fur apparel (including hats) since 2005 This type of fur kills more animals than any other fur product, and the Chinese fur industry, our very first motivation of the anti-fur campaign, exports the fur…

1,670,000 animals were killed for fur consumption in Japan in 2015

Import of apparel with fur accessories dropped  drastically In 2015, the number of imports of apparel with fur (including accessories and hats) was 4,271,681 items, of which the weight was equal to 2,188,900 kg. In 2014 it was 6,321,058 items and 3,398,969 kg, so the number dropped by 32% and the weight dropped by 36%. The number includes apparel that partially has fur as well as clothes that are made of fur, which makes it hard to determine [how much of it is actual fur] from foreign trade statistics.  Therefore, it is not possible to count how many animals were killed; the Animal Rights Center calculated 1,401,095 animals[ The weight…

Victory!Import of Foie gras reduced 20% in 2015.We saved 61,735 gooses!

Japanese government announced the trade statistics of 2015. The import of the foie gras in 2015 decreased 37,041 kg (20%) from 2014.It is one of the factors that Japan was not able to import foie gras by the bird flu in France from France in December. However, there is much import until November in Japan because Japanese use foie gras in whole year unlike foreign countries.It becomes the large decrease even if comparing the import until November. Recognition that foie gras is cruel spreads out among Japanese, and demand may decreases.37,041 kg of foie gras mean 61,735 duck and geese. *We save 61735 duck and goose by Animal Rights Center’s campaigns. Still 234,010 ducks…

Urge ROHTO to stop cruel animal testing for beauty products!

ROHTO,whose cosmetic lines include Hada Labo, Obaji,Gojyu No Megumi,Episteme,and Mentholatum,continues cruel animal testing. Please sign our pettition to urge ROHTO to stop torturing animals for beauty products. *This campaign was successful and ROHTO is now animal testing free! FACTS What is cosmetic animal testing? -Shampoo ingredients dripped into the eyes of rabbits. -Mice force-fed the lipstick ingredients. -Guinea pigs kept being exposed to UV ray lamps after sunblock ingredients is rubbed on the back with tin foil wrapped over. -Beauty cream ingredients rubbed on,and made to work into the back of mice which is purposely wounded. These are merely some examples of horrific cosmetic animal testing carried by companies,where all animals are tortured and then killed, never to regain their health.…

Sakura’s Story: A Mother Pig Destined for the Slaughterhouse

We met Sakura at a slaughterhouse in the winter of 2016. She was loaded onto a truck, bloody, with her intestines protruding from her body. She endured most of her life in a gestation crate, small crates designed for pregnant farm pigs that do not allow for movement. She was unable to even turn around or interact with other pigs. She was raised just to bear and deliver piglets. The day that she was finally allowed to leave the crate was the day that she was brought to the slaughterhouse. She could no longer be used as a breeding machine so there was no need to keep her alive. She…

An article of Animal Rights Center was posted on DAYS JAPAN

An article of a pig which I wrote at the Animal Rights Center on January DAYS JAPAN released on December 19 was published. The real appearance of pigs, the present situation where mother pigs are placed, and the children who are made meat. Please purchase from the book store and the following WEB site by all means. Pigs in despair article : Chihiro Okada , Animal Rights Center Japan  Photographs : Animal Rights Center Japan   Buy DAYS JAPAN now  

The End of Egg-Laying Hens: Excruciating Thirst

In Japan, there are no regulations regarding animal welfare before and during slaughter. As a result, many animals are not provided with enough water to be comfortable, and after suffering from excruciating thirst, they are slaughtered. The conditions of hens are especially miserable. Seven to ten hens are packed into small containers and without access to water, they are transported long distances on trucks. They stay in the containers until they are killed. Some poultry famers stop giving their hens water a half day before departure. As a consequence, those hens suffer for extremely long times. Most poultry farmers who raise broilers (chickens raised for meat) want to keep time…

Dutch fur industry comes to an end!

THE NETHERLANDS, 10 NOVEMBER 2015 – This morning Dutch court announced its final decision on the appeal of the government against the Dutch mink breeders. To the immense relief of the Fur Free Alliance and its Dutch member Bont voor Dieren, today’s victorious ruling is on the side of six million mink in the Netherlands. The judge concluded the general interest weighs more heavily than the economical interest of a minor group of mink farmers. The final verdict means the fur industry in the Netherlands is definitely coming to an end in 2024: the mink ban is back in force. Nicole van Gemert, director of Dutch animal protection organization Bont…

End cruel treatment of animals at slaughterhouses

Please sign petition End cruel treatment of animals at slaughterhouses in japan https://goo.gl/ky5o7D This video was filmed in 2015,Japan Please share this problem people around you. ● Carried in trucks, terrified cows are kicked from the truck, their tails are twisted or even crushed to force them to move. ● In order to make pigs move, stun-gun are used excessively. ● Pigs suffering from disease are left for an extended amount of time, then hung by the leg and dragged away. ● Animals that are carried to the slaughter house in the afternoon are not fed and are butchered the next day. They are not even given water. (They are seen drinking dirty water from the ground while they are being washed)   Cruelty and inhumane actions towards animals at slaughter houses is not the responsibility of individuals. It is an issue of the system. We request the government to make an effort in stopping animal cruelty. At the least individuals and slaughter house should be made aware of  the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health code. *This photo is this taken in 2015 Japan. These are pigs in a holding pen waiting to be killed in the adjacent slaughterhouse. Points on slaughterhouses extracted from the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health code. ● “…mammals and ratites which are not taken directly upon arrival to the place of slaughter should have drinking water available to them from appropriate facilities at all times.” ● “Animals which have not been slaughtered within 12 hours of their arrival should be fed, and should subsequently be given moderate amounts of food at appropriate intervals.” ● “Under no circumstances should animal handlers resort to violent acts to move animals, such as crushing or breaking tails of animals, grasping their eyes or pulling them by the ears.” ● “The throwing or dropping of animals, or their lifting or dragging by body parts such as their tail, head, horns, ears, limbs, wool, hair or feathers, should not be permitted.” ● “Electric goads and prods should only be used in extreme cases and not on a routine basis to move animals. The use and the power output should be restricted to that necessary to assist movement of an animal and only when an animal has a clear path ahead to move. Goads and other aids should not be used repeatedly if the animal fails to respond or move. In such cases it should be investigated whether some physical or other impediment is preventing the animal from moving.” ● “Painful procedures (including whipping, kicking, tail twisting, use of nose twitches, pressure on eyes, ears or external genitalia), or the use of goads or other aids which cause pain and suffering (including large sticks, sticks with sharp ends, lengths of metal piping, fencing wire or heavy leather belts), should not be used to move animals.” ● “Injured or sick animals, requiring immediate slaughter, should be killed humanely and without delay”     OIE Code for slaughterhouses http://www.oie.int/animal-welfare/animal-welfare-key-themes/

Slaughtering without Stunning in Hokkaido

In February, 2014, the Danish Agriculture Minister, Dan Jorgensen, made the following comment about banning slaughtering without stunning, “Animal rights come before religion.” Workers following certain religious customs, for example, those connected to Islamic Halal and Jewish Kashrut practices, slaughter animals without first stunning them. The cutting of the carotid arteries causes extreme pain to animals that have not been stunned. Some people in Japan are slaughtering animals according to Islamic halal traditions. This practice might start in Hokkaido. During the prefectural assembly held on September 16, in the reply to the question given from Atuko Okoshi (a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Hokkaido Prefectual Assembly), the governor…