Animal Rights Center
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Can Laws Protect Farm Animals?

The revision of the Act on Welfare and Management of Animals will take place soon. We, the Animal Rights Center, JAVA, and PEACE, have been working together to make suggestions to improve the enforcement of the act for all animals. What does it mean when we say “all” animals. It includes animals to exhibit, animals to breed pets, animals that are kept as pets, animals used for experiments, animals that are considered to be dangerous, and animals for livestock, which tend to be overlooked and rarely discussed. We have been demanding the improvement of law enforcement for livestock animals that are, legally speaking, industry animals. They suffer the most, and…

Don’t Make Honey Suffer Anymore! Give Honey a Peaceful Life

Honey was pregnant when she was captured Honey is left alone in Inubousaki Marine Park which is already closed. She is a wild bottlenose dolphine that was captured by drill hunt in Taiji in Wakayama prefecture in February 2005. She gave birth to “Marine” at June 26, 2005. Bottlenose dolphins’ pregnancy period is 12 monthes. There is also a record showing Marine’s father is a wild dolphin, it can be said that Honey was pregnant when she was captured. There is a news paper article of when Honey was captured. “『Unexpected baby  A dolphin gave birth to a baby at Inubousaki Marine Park』 The mother was just transported to the park after being…

Diagnosis of Honey :Possibility That She Is Suffering from Internal Disease

Veterinarians of each prefecture are not professional of each species. They may diagnose that Honey has no problem because she is alive and her scars are getting better. However a veterinarian who’s professional of marine mammal did not diagnose the same. We had Dr. Heather Rally diagnose Honey. She is a California licensed veterinarian with specific training in marine mammal medicine and dolphin health assdssment. She is the Supervising Veterinarian of Captive Aniaml Law Enforcement with the PETA Foundation in the United States. Diagnosis “She needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately” Dr. Heather Rally :Veterinarian (California licensed veterinarian) 2018/09/01 “Video footage indicates that numerous animals are currently being held captive…

Jonathan once again in cruel foie gras selling. Reach out opinions!

In the restaurant chain, Jonathan in the family restaurant chain began selling foie gras products again from September 6, 2018. Not only these menus are very cheap, they overlapped foie gras in two tiers. It is a menu with no ethics at all. Click to access 180906.pdf Japan imports foie gras from France, Spain, Canada and USA this year. They have not announced which country foie gras produced in which country they are using, but in any case they are cruel. Please send your opinion to remove it from the menu immediately not to treat foie gras. TEL 0120-125-807 (Reception time: 9 am – 6 pm) To the shareholders of Skylark…

Dark side of Agriculture Business in Japan:10 common daily abuse cases

The Animal Rights Center’s goal is to improve animal welfare. We’re starting to see some companies and producers who are implementing good practice in Japan. However, animal abuse is so common as though it cancels out all these good deeds. This is a challenge in Japan. It exemplifies a bad custom described in a Japanese proverb “to cover up things that smell bad (sweep trouble under the rug).” The below shows cases of animal abuse that are even beyond animal welfare in Japan. The horrifying fact is that these are not what only bad companies practice, but rather they are common practice, and the legislation also is sometimes aware of…

Send Honey to a Sanctuary! Liberate Her from Dolphin Show and Artificial Breeding

Inubousaki Marine Park in Chiba prefecture was closed down in January 2018. Honey, a bottlenose dolphin is left in the park alone. There were 4 other dolphins at the park but all of them died already. Inubousaki Marine Park do not answer to any questions related to the current situation of Honey or where she will be sent to. The current situation of Honey Honey is kept in a pool outside. She needs to fight against loneliness by herself.  The skin of her back is cracked, and she was performing stereotyped behavior of shaking her head up and down. We asked Kaisou Health Center about the crack of her skin…

Against Aquarium ,Never go to see cruel dolphin show

On 26th August, we educated the issues of the aquarium in front of Shibuya station and appealed with 20 members. Check photographes on ARCJ’s Flicker Handborn dolphin “Honey” is left alone in closed Inubosaka Marine Park.”Save Dolphin’s Honey! Postcard action” had been spread rapidly, now Haney became a social issue.On this day, two television programs came. And we could distribute 600 sets of leaflets.Read about Honey We hope that Honey will never be used for aquarium business again. Honey needs a sanctuary. Thank you for joining us.

The hatch for calf is a muddy. It was hell on a rainy day

It was an incredible sight. Cows are handled relatively carefully because they sell higher, the industry explains. That is not true. The calf was immersed in their waste. This is a premium branded beef’s farm in Japan. It is June 2018.

The dangers of drug-resistant bacteria: antibiotics-resistant bacteria found in more than half of chicken meat

In August 2018, 8 people at Kagoshima University Hospital *1 and 2 people at Shizuoka City Hospital *2 were reported to have been infected with multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter (MDRA) and died.  The number of deaths due to the effects of drug-resistant bacteria for which many antibiotics have become ineffective is expected to reach 10 million by 2050, and reports like this one make it more real. Animal agriculture and drug-resistant bacteria In Japan, the livestock sector accounts for about two-thirds of the amount of antibiotics (antibacterial agents) used, and so efforts in the livestock sector are urgent. Animal Rights Center Japan claims that animal welfare for farmed animals is necessary to…

Summer of Koharu who rescued chicken from battery cage

In 2016, Koharu was living in battery cage. She became blind and unable to produce eggs, and was about to be killed. A warm-hearted worker rescued her and gave her to Animal Rights Center Japan. She got better soon after and now she is living with her new parent. She’s enjoying her life walking in a big yard and inside her parent’s house. Koharu’s true story Right after she was rescued Animal Rights Center Japan is working to save hens from suffering in battery cages. Please support us.

Legacy For Animals. Make Ethical Olympics with No Animal Suffering

Olympians from US, Canada and New Zealand advocate for sourcing of 100% cage-free eggs and 100% stall-free porks. .

10 Olympians demand cage-free and stall-free for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

10 Olympians started the campaign to demand animal welfare at 2020 Tokyo Olympics. They said “If you do not update the policies and food quality acceptable in our city’s Olympic Games, your city could be viewed as behind the global trend toward improved welfare standards for animals in factory farms. This is extremely problematic.”

What’s happening to pigs at slaughter houses at night?

Many pigs get transported to slaughterhouses from noon to night one day before they get slaughtered. Their breath is heavy already, and some are foaming at the mouths. Then, they get showered to rinse off their feces and urine. This is the same procedure in winter, too. 86% of pig slaughterhouses in Japan don’t have drinking water for pigs, so pigs can’t drink after they lick some water mixed with feces and urine on the floor coming from the shower. And, night falls. What happens there? You hear pigs’ fierce cry, scream, and sound of battle at night, midnight, and dawn, all the time.  Again, this lasts all nightlong. Please…

Animal’s toys with real fur shrink. While, some companies continue manufacturing

Animal’s toys that are sold as a cat sleeve etc. Fur (real fur) is often used, but reflecting the voice of the citizen saying “We do not want to use fur made by killing animals with animal’s toys,” in recent years the number of fur free companies has been increasing little by little. FUR FREE Companies Tsuruha drug (drug store) The arrival of cat fetters with real fur has been abolished at the end of April 2014 Sapporo Drugstore (Drug Store) Switching to an animal-free toy was carried out in July 2014 Yamahise (pet supplies manufacturer) As of February 23, 2016, toys with real fur set to zero Cornan (home center)…

End animal cruelty in the name of fashion! Please sign the petition!

To end animal suffering for fur Please sigh the petition now In 2017, 1,504,000 animals were slaughtered for fur sold in Japan. A number of companies including Gucci, Armani, Versace, Uniqlo, and H&M have chosen not to sell fur. Cities like San Francisco, West Hollywood, Berkeley, and Sao Paulo have banned the sale of fur. Fur expenditure in Japan is 80% less compared to that of 10 years ago. However, 2017 saw an increase in imported fur products compared to 2016. This is because the price of fur is dropping due to a great decrease of demand for fur worldwide. Japan is known as a civilized country. There is no longer any need for…

Petition of Cage-Free egg’s Reactions of companies to which we submitted

We launched a petition called “Stop Confining Hens which Produce Eggs for us in Cruel Cages.” On 2018 June 18, it already has gathered more than 16,350 signatures. This petition was launched to ask companies and government to shift from cage eggs which confines hens in tine cages to free range or barn eggs. We asked companies to meet us to discuss cage-free policy and to accept the petition and documents writing about information related to cage-free movement. (We did the same thing also in 2017. You can find the results from here in Japanese.) As we gather more and more signatures, it will be more difficult for companies to ignore cage-free…

Long way to Change…Chickens Abandoned for Long Hours

Egg laying hens get slaughtered in a year or two after their egg production slows down. They are used for frozen foods or canned meat. These chickens go through long hours of transportation, then, get abandoned for a long period of time at slaughterhouses. We’ve been working with concerned parties to improve this since 2017 after we investigated this situation. As a result, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery (MAFF) issued a notification to relevant parties to improve the situation on March 26th 2018. At the same time, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) gave the notification, and the Ministry of Environment issued an announcement in relation…

Good News! Yakult Abolished Animal Experiments on Cosmetics and Food Products

Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd., a Japan’s leading probiotic drink maker, which is operating business globally, told Cruelty Free Beauty (CFB) that they completely abolished animal testing on cosmetics, quasi-drugs, and food products for research and development as well as for applications for authorities* On January 18, 2018, PETA, the world-largest America animal rights organization, praised Yakult Honsha for agreeing to ban the studies on animals if it is for health claims. However, we noticed that the company’s official website said that it was still conducting animal testing in the process of development in order to confirm the efficacy and safety of food products and medicines to protect users’ healthy life,…

0.5 million Birds Boiled Alive at Slaughterhouse

Chickens with red skin. This is a picture taken in 2017 in Japan. The reason why their skin gets red is because of the errors that take place at slaughterhouses. Their necks often don’t get slit properly, and as a result, the birds are boiled alive. In Japan, chickens with red skin like this are disposed as “chickens with failure of bleeding.” In other words, these are “accidents,” and the birds’ lives, sufferings, and pain get tossed away as though nothing occurred. What kind of pain? No Stunning Many slaughterhouses kill birds by slitting their throats without stunning by utilizing electronic shock or gas to knock out birds first in…

Do you know that Japanese pig farming that continues to restrict pigs have very bad breeding grades?

The results of Japanese pig raising are not good. The breeding ability per sow is largely separated from overseas. The industry says that it is because the species are different, but the species used in the pig farming in Japan originally originated from the UK or Denmark. Although some species have been modified in Japan, species will not be a problem. In addition, few farmers breed the kind of pig (Duroc) which originally has few births. The climate certainly differs in each country and region, but it is the same handicap everywhere. The big difference is whether they do restrained breeding or not considering animal welfare. Japan  USA Netherlands Denmark…