Animal Rights Center
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Ex-owl cafe worker speaks out

We have received information from a whistle-blower who previously worked at an owl cafe.  The conditions which owls live under in this kind of establishment are unimaginably inhumane, being forced to just stay still and endure their circumstances. We have to think about what we can do, individually and collectively, about this situation. Kept leashed in the same place, even during their rest time and after the shop is closed I worked at an owl cafe from 2015 through 2016. This is a place where you can watch and pet live owls while enjoying a drink. The shop keeps around 30 owls to exhibit, as well as to sell. These…

Posted a survey on cosmetic animal testing consciousness to Cosmetics industry paper

In 2017 / January issue No.439 of the cosmetic industry paper FRAGRANCE JOURNAL posted the treatise about awareness of animal testing on cosmetics that was surveyed and written by LUSH Japan, HSI, JAVA, PEACE, and us Animal Rights Center. see our servey if you want to buy FREGRANCE JURNAL , please go to their site

Please liberate 315 chimpanzees in Japan

Chimapanzee is very close as human being. They can use tools, their emotional expressions are almost same as human,  their love expression, sorrow, happiness, anger, and behavior when you get lost are same as human. There are 315 people of chimpanzees in Japan without proper environment and care Please boycott zoos in Japan. Pon was in Yamajigoku zoo in Beppu Onsen別府温泉 Pon was born in Africa in 1978, he was bring to Japan at 1~2 years old. His space is only about 20 ㎡, and  one tire was hanging. Though we demand to impove his situation to the zoo, the zoo did not do anything for him , their excuse was that he is…

super overcrowded! Broilers in Japan

Chicken meat for chicken is shipped in 2kg in Europe and the United States, but do you know that it is shipped after thickening to about 3 kg in Japan? Originally, chicken is an animal that grows over 150 days, but broiler has been modified to grow larger in 50 days. They suffer from doing rapid growth.Broilers do not walk naturally. They walk a bit and then sit down. The chickens who lost their natural appearance spend a lot of time in pain, packed in a container after 50 days, being hung upside down, they are neck cut and killed. See detail about broiler (in Japanese) The density in japan…

Live Chickens Burned at Egg Farm

Bones of burned birds – picture taken at a battery cage in Japan 2016 It was revealed that birds were burned alive at a chicken farm with 7 million birds that used battery cages. In April of 2016, Animal Rights Center reported that birds were burned alive at several chicken farms. Some farms have facilities called “dead bird incinerators,” which can burn 50 to 60 birds a day. In those places, they usually burn dead birds found in cages, but they sometimes kill deformed birds with bend necks, broken legs, as well as birds who are unable to produce eggs very much. In such cases, it was understood that these…

Koharu’s story — rescued from a battery cage —

Koharu was rescued from a battery cage in Japan by Animal Rights Center Japan. 95.2% of the egg farms in Japan are using battery cages.  Koharu was in a battery cage of a windowless egg farm. She was blind when she was rescued.  But her eyes opened in few days.  She started dust-bathing in a few weeks. Now she was adopted by a new family and she got new mother(human), new sisters and brothers (2 chickens, some cats, and one dog).  She seems to love them so much, especially her mother and the dog. Please support ARCJ help Koharu’s friends.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Rescue lonely elephants in Japan

There are 14 lonely elephants who are confined in small and yet strong cages in Japan. It’s not only Hanako in Inokashira Park, who was unfortunate. Please give a relief to them. Especially to the Asian elephants in Utunomiya Zoo, Obihiro Zoo, Kiryugaoka Zoo, and Yuki Park Zoo who are put on just inorganic concrete, just like at Hanako in Inokashira Park. Obihiro Zoo, Kiryugaoka Zoo, and Yuki Park Zoo are facilities controlled under each city. If you sympathize with these elephants, please demand the cities to improve the situations. These three are especially awful cases, but the others do not accommodate elephant’ natural behaviors either. We demand improvements to take…

Skylark, please stop selling foie gras!

SKYLARK, the Japanese nationwide family restaurant chain, which includes Gusto and Jonathan, is continuing to sell foie gras. So far, it has bought over 30 tons of foie gras directly from producers ― that’s over fifty thousand birds. Foie gras is produced through gavage, the forced administration of food. Everyday, for two to three weeks, ducks and geese are force-fed between one- fourth and one-third of their body weight, by means of a long feeding tube that is forced down directly into their stomachs, so they can’t vomit. It is written that SKYLARK’s foie gras has IGP Certification. However IGP Certification is a production area certification – It tells us…

Joint of Japan-China-Hongkong-Korea-Taiwan for Fur Free Campaign #FurFreeASIA

Be a Voice for millions of the suffering Voiceless animals used for fashion. We (13 animal rights groups in east Asia) will be jointed together with the same aim for the first time to fight to end the use of fur worldwide. China:ACTAsia / Korea:Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth(CARE) / Hong Kong:Hong kong vegetarian society  / Taiwan:nvironment & Animal Society of Taiwan(EAST)AR club of National Taiwan University,TAEA,天下無肉,動物陣線,純素30天,Go Vegan / Japan,we , Animal Right Center(specified nonprofit corporation),Animal Right Kyoto , Animal Rights Chubu are gathered all together to do a Fur-Free campaign. East Asia is the biggest fur producing and consuming continent(reference page 2). That is to say,when the…

VICTORY! There are zero fur farms in Japan

No animals had to be sacrificed for fur in Japan in the year 2016 In 2016, it was revealed that the last mink farm in Niigata was closed. By this closure, the number of fur farms is now zero in Japan. The industry to produce fur in Japan has come to an end History of fur industry in Japan The fur industry in Japan became popular around the middle to the end of World War II. At its peak, it’s said that there were 4,000 fur farms. Then, business associations, such as the Mink Association, were established. In 1971, export of mink fur (count of full body only) increased to…

Petition”Please do not lock down laying hens”

Please sign & share this petition! To prioritize maximum output while minimizing costs, most chickens in Japan are raised on factory farms where they suffer greatly, leading short, miserable lives in overcrowded cages. Considered as “things”, not living beings, no consideration is given to their well-being, or the fact that they have their own lives, feelings and emotions. The low price of eggs has remained constant since the1960’s, while chickens have paid the price in suffering. This must end. This petition will be delivered to the egg industry, egg retailers, food manufacturers and restaurants using battery cage eggs and will also be used to lobby the government. The use…

Survey result for welfare at Slaughterhouses

■ Survey period: May through July 2016 ■ Survey conducted by: NPO Animal Rights Center ; ■ Target of Survey: Slaughterhouses (177 facilities in operation) ; ■ Number of Respondents: 96 facilities (54% answered) *We did not include the facilities that mentioned only the kinds of animals they have in this count. ; Kinds of Operated Animals Cows: 78 facilities Pigs: 79facilities Other animals (sheep, goat, horses, etc.):30 facilities *some facilities overlap Drinking Situations Animals can drink water any time before being slaughtered. Cows: 55% Pigs: 25% Other animals: 21% Cows 42 out of 77 facilities replied that their animals could drink water any time (55%). 65 facilities said animals…

End owls café where the birds are constrained and immobile

“interactive” cafe using raptors such as owls A business aimed at “interaction” with animals has been spreading the last few years. Among them, cafes using owls are increasing in number. Being healed by interacting with charming owls with big round eyes, that’s the selling point for the owl café. However, the owls do not agree to heal people. It’s called “interactive” but there is no “interaction” there. Some are constrained and the others are unilaterally touching them.   Owls are used for commerce, being stuck with a short leash, not able to drink water when they want to, getting their pictures taken, and are not able to fly away when…

Fashion magazine WWD[Spreading FUR FREE]

13th June 2016, a fashion magazine WWD Japan wrote about ECO fur titled [spreading FUR FREE]. They said the reason why fur free is spreading in Japan in this decade is Japanese organization against real fur. Of coource it’s Animal Rights Center Japan! We orgnize fur free campaign after we know the terrible situation in Chinese fur industries in 2004. Many companies including Japanese companies changed their attitude for fur because real fur is too cruel. WWD is the leading media in the fashion industry in Japan. Reason was written in the top news is also the fact that the wave of the world’s eco-fur is based on Japanese technology.…

Save mother pigs!

15 celebrities have commented against the restraint of pigs: sow stalls. Musician Masami Akita, Professor of Animal Behavior at the University of Colorado Mark Bekov , Faculty of History, Bukkyo University (Tibetan Buddhist Culture) Professor Toshinzo Onoda, Rissho University Associate Professor Muneyuki Nakamura , Princeton University Human Value Center Bioethics Professor Peter Singer, Professor Rakugo Tachikawa Hachibayashi Rakugo, Musician SunPlaza Nakano-kun, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Tokyo Prof. Masaki Ichinose, Peer Counselor Human Rights Activist Yuho Azumi, Picture Book Writer / Painter / Poet Sakiaki You, Sculptor Kumi Kanatsu, Animal Journalist Eiki Sato Tenri University Faculty of Human Studies Professor Chihiro Asakawa, Japan Women’s University…

Petition to ban “Pig Rodeo” in Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture

It’s been decided that the pig rodeo will be discontinued in 2017. What is Pig Rodeo? The event called ;Okuchi no Umi Carnival; in the town of Mikame, Seiyo City, Ehime Prefecture, is where the Pig Rodeo takes place. The ;Pig Rodeo; is a contest consisting of people getting on the back of a pig and riding it as long as possible. This event has been held for more than 25 years with 10 pigs being used in the 2015 event. • The unwilling pigs squeal • They develop red, swollen necks and struggle to breathe • Some pigs stumble or are unable to walk, others drag their feet…

Maruhan Puts Up Fur-free Posters

Maruhan, a pachinko parlor that has 300 shops nationwide, agreed to put up our fur-free posters at their shops. On March 2nd 2016, Maruhan asked every branch to hang the fur-free posters and the no-pet shop poster by Juridical Foundation Animal environment & Welfare Association Eva. (There appears to be a new display came out in April so only some branches are still hanging the posters.) Some branches actually received some comments that they support the fur-free movement. More and more Japanese apparel companies have stopped selling fur, but only a few actively voice their stand on no-fur. So this act by the big pachinko parlor is very much appreciated. For more details,…

In front of the Skylark general meeting of stockholders. Action to end the sale of Foie Gras

Today we held a demonstration in front of the Skylark general stockholder’s meeting. During the general meeting, one of  the Skylark stockholders suggested that Skylark sell a replacement version of fois gras like faux gras instead. He told us that one of the director’s of Skylark had said that fois gras is popular with Japanese customers because it is  is unusual, but that he understood there were issues and problems related to the selling of fois gras. We need to undertake a more powerful campaign to convince Skylark to take fois gras off the menu.

Poster Session at the 121st Japanese Society of Animal Science Convention

We presented our poster at the 121st Japanese Society of Animal Science Convention. Among over 300 presentations, there were only us and another organization that presented on the topic of animal welfare. The issue of animal welfare is still developing in Japan, not to mention the issue of animal rights.  However, many people stopped to see our poster, and asked for more documents, so we thought many are, in fact, interested in animal welfare issues. Most visitors were associated with animal husbandry research universities, national research institutions, and also students of animal husbandry colleges. We ask those who are, or wish to pursue professions in such fields, to research and…

Yamahisa Stop Selling Pet Toys with Real Fur!

Two years ago, we handed a petition to Yamahisa asking them to stop using real fur for their pet toys, and discussed it with them in detail. They responded that they could “not stop immediately but can look at reducing the use of fur over time.” On February 23, 2015, we checked in with them and can confirm that they have reduced the use of real furto zero. Thank you Yamahisa! And thank you to everyone that signed the petition!