Animal Rights Center
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Tragedy of Farm Animals 10 Year Anniversary of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

When visiting cattle housed in Tohoku following the disaster we witnessed cows laying down in abandoned cattle houses.  When water was offered they guzzled it down. One cow, who had been unable to stand up, passed away a few days later.  The calves, only 3 to 4 months old, in the neighboring cattle house were all dead.  The baby cows were also dead in crates except for one calf who managed to escape. They died alone.  The heifers were mostly dead. We only saw two survivors and when we approached them, they licked our hair. They may still be alive since their death is unconfirmed. The contents of the video…

Kurinomi-en, A Social Welfare Corporation that Provides Employment Support for People with Disabilities is Cage Free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Kurinomi-en, a social welfare corporation in Kamitakai district, Nagano, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a social welfare corporation that provides employment support for persons with disabilities. They also do comprehensive agriculture, and they use cage-free eggs for sweets. The owner said, Naturally, I thought that cage rearing was bad from the beginning. After all, I think it’s important to switch from cage rearing to cage-free rearing for poultry farming. We are trying to spread cage-free rearing and settle it in the area. Specifically for the…

Soleil du printemps decided to switch to cage-free eggs

“Soleil du printemps” in Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, agreed with cage free and indicated their intention to switch to cage-free eggs by 2030. They mainly serve Western food here. The owner said, I would like to change not only eggs but also other ingredients. I wanted to switch to cage-free eggs because I want to improve this industry. It is not limited to eggs, but Japanese black cattle are also very obese and can not support their weight, tumors in the knees making them bedridden, and foie gras also involve forcible feeding to make the livers sick. Knowing such things, as I am working in the food industry, I want…

Celebrate! Now 100 companies and shops have declared cage free in Japan!

In February 2021, more than 100 companies and shops have made cage-free declarations, promising to consumers that all their eggs will be cage free! In Japan, 99% of chickens are caged, and consumers’ awareness of cage-free eggs is extremely low compared to other countries. Many do not know the fact that egg-laying hens have never been exposed to the sun and are treated as if they were egg-laying machines packed in cages that are too small for them to even spread their wings. Not surprisingly, cage-free eggs are more expensive than factory-farmed caged eggs. Thanks to the actions, courage, and decisions of producers who rear hens with considerations for animal…

“Chickens are supposed to be cage free”, Animal Doughnut of Ikumimama is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Animal Doughnut of Ikumimama in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. They serve cute donuts with animal motifs here. The owner said, The reason for using cage-free eggs is that I thought that chickens were originally raised cage free. I learned about cage rearing, and I learned that chickens can’t walk on the ground, can’t be exposed to the sun, can’t be exposed to sand, and are given antibiotics and hormones. On the other hand, I learned that cage-free chickens can walk on the ground, can…

What are “efficient” sources of protein?

There was a sign like this at MaxValu supermarket: This probably makes many consumers feel like they should eat more chicken and eggs. However, when speaking of taking in protein efficiently, it would make more sense to compare the amount of protein per unit calorie, rather than “per 100g”. This is because while it doesn’t really matter how many grams of food we eat per day, how many calories we should take in per day is roughly determined. For example, how about per 200kcal. According to Japan food standard composition table 2015 (1) as referred to in the above sign, the composition (protein, fat, cholesterol) per 200kcal is: Per 200kcal…

With thorough rearing for the chickens, Misono farm is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Misono farm in Komatsucho City, Tokushima, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. They serve baked sweets using cage-free eggs, rice, and fruits. The owner said, We only have 5 chickens per tsubo (3.3 m2), and they live freely. I think there are about 15 in normal cage-free rearing. In the end they become meat, so I want them to live freely and lay eggs in good moods while they are alive. Cage rearing doesn’t treat chickens as living beings; they are packed in cages, with each bird…

For Valentine’s Day, use cage-free eggs! CINAGRO is cage free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, “CINAGRO online shop Biocle” specializing in organic products responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. In addition to cage-fee eggs, milk is from grazing cows, pork is stall-free, and beef is grass-fed.  Products using eggs include gateau chocolate. In addition, Yakuryo Kaihatsu Co., Ltd., which operates this site, also operates a restaurant, which also uses the same standards as those dealing with eggs, milk, pork, and beef in online shops. The number of all cage-free egg shops has increased recently in Japan, but we are very happy because…

Good news! Fur products import reduced in half in 2020 One Step Closer to The World with No Victimized Animals

More and more people are aware that being fashionable doesn’t require killing animals today. From 2000 to 2006, many coats with animal fur for collars were sold. It was hard to find one without fur.Many people still don’t know the horror story behind animal fur to this day. However, some people have started refusing to wear fur products.As a result, a number of fashion brands, especially the ones targeting young audiences, discontinued using animal fur. 2020 was a huge year for animals used for fur. These animals were thought to transmit COVID-19. Additionally, the virus was spread among minks raised for fur, and a new coronavirus strain was linked to…

Doyuuno Ltd. and Yamanishi Syouten Co., Ltd. are cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Doyuuno Ltd. in Toyama City, Toyama, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner said, Japan’s food today tends to start with price and brand, and I feel that it has distanced from the actual creatures. I want to communicate that every egg is produced by a chicken once a day.  Cage rearing is focused on cheap and  mass production, so the distance between creatures and consumers is far away. With cage free, that distance can be shortened and we can remember that live chickens are laying them…

A store “FUSABUSA” that aims to coexist with nature, and a healing cafe “&ai” are cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, FUSABUSA in Kamogawa,  Chiba, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, I’m a natural farmer and I’m also very interested in animal welfare. I would like modern people who are pursuing convenience too much to take good care of nature, recognizing that human beings adapt to nature and receive life as part of nature. She talked about her strong desire to protect nature. This store holds workshops on natural foods. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, &ai in Kamagaya, Chiba,…

The Environment Ministry and MAFF notified: hanging pigs and abandoning chickens to death are inappropriate, strict measures including accusations will be taken

On 2021/1/21, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) issued an important notice for farmed animals. “Regarding carrying out proper culling of industrial animals on farms” This notice was issued to correct the existing non-compliance with the law when culling weakened and to-be-killed chickens, pigs, cows, and quails in livestock farms. The content is fairly rigorous. If you read this article, please call attention to livestock farmers around you. That there is a possibility of accusation. The notice is not long so we’d like you to read it for details, but we’d like to explain a few points. Hanging pigs and starving chickens…

Restaurant The Applehouse, and Tsukiji lim-classo, are cage free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Restaurant The Applehouse in Morioka,  Iwate, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, We do not slaughter the cage-free chickens, but take care of them until death. Usually they get killed in about 2 years, but my chickens live 5 or 6 years, so I think they are happy.  Today’s livestock farming in Japan packs them tightly, so the animals are prone to illness; that’s why I think antibiotics and hormones must be used.  I think it is better for animals to have less stress with…

Fukunoki, Hoccoricafe, are cage free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Fukunoki in Sapporo, Hokkaido, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a tomato-based ramen shop with a vegan menu. Introduced on the ethical vegan site Hachidory → The owner says, I’d like everything to be vegan, but I use eggs for the summer menu only.  I use cage-free eggs, but I would like to reduce the use of eggs in the future.  We have set up leaflets about animals in the store.  Many people think that vegans and vegetarians are just health conscious, so I would…

Effective altruism: the case for cage-free campaigns

Originally written by Luis Costigan of Effective Altruism Japan, modified by Yuki Takahashi. Summary Farm animal welfare is considered a high-priority cause area by the Effective Altruism community due to the sheer scale, neglectedness, and tractability of the problem. Egg-layer hens are the most farmed animals both globally and in Japan (excluding fish). The number is similar to that of humans. Over 99% of layer hens in Japan are reared in battery cages. Battery cages are plausibly extremely bad; many sources have evaluated a life in a battery cage to provide the lowest levels of welfare across all farmed land animals. Campaigning for corporations to source eggs from cage-free producers…

MISATOYA and Natural Ingredients Origin are cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, MISATOYA in Chofu City, Tokyo, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a greengrocer dealing with organic vegetables, additive-free foods, etc. and has a natural food restaurant.  They have been using cage-free eggs for 35 years. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Also in response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Natural Ingredients Origin in Oku Kyoto Ayabe responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. She is using cage-free eggs because her daughter is allergic but had no allergic reaction…

World’s animal protection organizations request OIE to reconsider the animal welfare code for laying hens

To regain confidence in the OIE animal welfare code! Press release: 2020/12/25 Japan’s animal protection groups Animal Rights Center Japan and The Humane League Japan, and the international chicken welfare alliance Open Wing Alliance, working with six domestic animal protection groups, have pointed out to OIE that the current draft of “Chapter 7.Z Animal Welfare and Laying Hen Production Systems”, which includes Japan’s possibly fraudulent opinions, is unreliable. We requested that the items that Japan’s comments and opinions may have influenced be reviewed, and be revised to a fair standard that could truly bring about improvements in animal welfare to the world. This request letter was sent on 2020/12/24 (Japan…

Is MAFF telling the truth accurately?

On 2020/12/21, it was reported that the former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Takamori Yoshikawa announced that he would resign as a member of the Diet, and on the 22nd, he submitted a resignation request to the chairman of the House of Representatives, Tadamori Oshima, which was accepted. As the chairman Oshima was also a representative who was named to have been involved with Akita Foods in Bunshun press, this act makes one feel that there may be no clean politics. While the politician who received fraudulent money is denounced, it’s a strange society where the corporation to which the representative who gave the fraudulent money belonged can escape…

10 most watched videos in 2020

2020 was a turbulent year for animals as well. A huge number of animals were left behind to suffer. Still, many people became aware of the current states of the animals and shared videos showing them. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for many comments and reactions. We have collected videos that made people aware of people living in Japan in 2020. The contents of the videos (from Facebook, which has the longest history) are issues that haven’t been solved yet, so if you please share, comment, or let someone know, it will be a great help for the animals!…

List of products to request at supermarkets

To reduce the sacrifice of animals as well as impacts to the environment, let’s request better products every time we go to a supermarket, via “customer comments” form or through the store staff. Phone call or the comments form on the website is another way. Every time you visit a supermarket, request a few products at a time. When you specify the product name, stores will often stock it within days or a few weeks. Especially when the store already has products by the same manufacturer, they’re more likely to stock it. Products already handled by stores within the same parent companies like the AEON group or Seven&i are more…