Animal Rights Center
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Bribery by a poultry executive afflicts chickens around the world

A former representative (then president) of an egg poultry giant Akita Foods handed about 5 million yen in cash to Japan’s former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and had entertained the Cabinet Special Advisor Koya Nishikawa, on a cruise ship. This case is directly linked to the suffering of chickens. The fact that the poultry industry and politicians profited means that there are those who suffer disadvantages, but the victims this time are the weak and the voiceless who do not speak human language; they are the chickens. The OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) states that one of the guiding principles of animal welfare is that “The use…

Gateau d’ange Tenshi-no-pancake is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Gateau d’ange Tenshi-no-pancake in Kamakura District, Kanagawa Prefecture, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, I use cage-free eggs because chickens are living creatures, so I want to use eggs of healthy chickens who are stress-free, and have not been given antibiotics. I also consider whether the environment is suitable for animal welfare and is not reared in a poor environment. I am also conscious of circulating food scraps in the field as compost. We are also working on wood-burning stoves, solar power generation, and the…

Burger King announces a global cage-free policy

Coalition of 75 nonprofits persuades Restaurant Brands International (RBI) to source 100% cage-free eggs worldwide. One of the world’s largest restaurant groups, Restaurant Brands International (RBI), owner of leading brands Burger King, Popeyes, and Tim Hortons, today released comprehensive global cage-free policies. This commitment to improving its animal welfare policies occurred within 44 days of the launch of a public campaign by the Open Wing Alliance, a coalition of more than 75 major animal protection organizations.  The new global policy released by Restaurant Brands International (RBI) commits each brand to sourcing 100% cage-free eggs and egg products for every single one of their locations worldwide. This transition will be complete…

Oninoie, a social welfare corporation is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Oninoie, a social welfare corporation based in Saitama that develops various businesses such as employment support for people with disabilities, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, I want to use healthy chicken eggs and keep them cage-free. Chickens fly around freely, eating healthy food such as vegetable scraps, broccoli leaves, and Japanese mustard spinach. I feel sorry about cage rearing. At Oninoie poultry Farm, it is the role of the handicapped persons to feed and collect eggs, and it can be said that this is…

What happened to Japan’s comments to OIE? (with the bribe?)

In the media reports of the poultry bribe suspicion case in which the former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, had secretly received 5 million yen in cash from a former representative of the egg-producing giant “Akita Foods” (Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture), there was the following detail: There are voices that both MAFF’s argument against the OIE’s international standard on AW, and the expansion of support for large-scale producers of price difference compensation projects, “were the default route, and may not have required politicians’ intervention”. 2020/12/7 Sankei Newspaper Is this really the case? It’s true that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has backward attitude toward the world…

Major egg producer Akita Foods alleged to have bribed the Agriculture Minster to protect battery cages in favor of Japan’s poultry industry

Japan’s leading egg producer Akita Foods is alleged to have bribed the Agriculture Minister so that the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) standard for animal welfare allows for battery cages. Subsequently, Japan submitted an opinion to OIE that chickens do not need dust-bathing litter, nesting area, or perches, and that animal welfare can be achieved even with battery cages. As a result, OIE’s original proposal, which required litter, perches, and nest boxes, changed such that these installations are only “desirable” (moreover Japan is requesting that even “desirable” be omitted). The news that a former representative of a major egg producer “Akita Foods” (Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture) handed cash to…

Environment Minister Koizumi for ethical diet, too, “avoids eating foie gras”

On November 17, 2020, at the House of Representatives Environment Committee, Representative Keinin Horikoshi explained the cruelty of foie gras and the heated discussions in France. The day has finally come when we can talk about the cruelty of foie gras in the Diet! This question leads to an appeal to prevent cruelty to livestock animals, but stated that the world is beginning to reject cruel procedures. Foie gras, which is said to be one of the world’s three major delicacies and is indispensable for Christmas in France, is now in an era where the majority of people are ok for it to be banned even in France. Last year,…

The livestock industry is also subject to animal cruelty; what’s wrong in the light of the sound common sense of the general public is a crime

Animal cruelty, in treatment of any animals that humans deal with in society, is something that must not exist, either legally or morally, and it must be eliminated in industrial animals as well. Shinjiro Koizumi, Minister of the Environment This was clarified by a question from a member of the House of Representatives, Keinin Horikoshi (Gunma), at the Environment Committee of the House of Representatives on November 17, 2020. For many, this must be taken for granted. However, in the livestock industry, animal cruelty has become commonplace, and mistaken procedures have become commonplace, and the self-cleansing action to correct them has not worked, and the animals used for livestock have…

“Can we continue our agribusiness like this in Japan?”Asked at Standing Committee on MAFF

A member of the House of Representative, Mr. Seiichi Kushida from Kanagawa, asked questions about battery cages for chicken hens, gestation crates for sows, dog meat, and treatment for retired horses at a committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries held on November 11, 2020.  Mr. Kushida started by referring to the demands from the olympians that eggs and pork for the Olympics and Paralympics should come from cage free and gestation crate free ranches. With that, he requested minister Nogami from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (MAFF) to take a leadership role to tackle animal welfare issues in Japan.  In his response, the minister stated as follows: Animal…

Secrets about Milk

We made a manga about secrets behind milk.  Please take a peek into what kind of environment milk is being produced. Illustrator: Vege Manga Natsumi   For people who want to learn more about the situations of various animals, we recommend 「世界を変えたくて自分を変えた」(“To change the world, I changed myself”) by Vege Manga Natsumi for ¥1,000.

2020: “Welfare” not improving at slaughterhouses

Animal Rights Center Japan has collected signatures and submitted the petition calling for improvements to slaughterhouse animal welfare, and has worked on various slaughterhouses 1 2 3.  But at the moment there is almost no information suggesting improvements. The problem of inadequate drinking water at slaughterhouses has not been solved.  Animal welfare education for slaughterhouse staff is not provided, either.  Dragging immobile cows with chains, not caring for lactating dairy cows (not milking etc), moving to slaughterhouse weak animals with hernia etc not suitable for transportation, twisting cows’ tails to move them… these present practices violate the animal welfare standards of the OIE (World Animal Health Organization) to which Japan is…

50DAYS of Mei born as a broiler

On the very day she was born at a hatchery, she was taken to the farm.She is a chick of a “broiler” chicken for meat.Her birthday is 8/18.She is to be killed 50 days later, to be chicken meat.Mei and others don’t know that.For 50 days, we’ll report on the world viewed by Mei. Please sign up for our newsletter to follow her 50 days with us. Please sign the petition to support the activity to save chicks like Mei. *This website is in Japanese, but the posts on our social media are translated into English (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) #50DAYS All these activities are supported by donation. Please donate…

The Cruel Last Day of Hens: Being left for a long time at a slaughterhouse

Many hens in Japan have a short miserable life in a battery cage. The result of an investigation conducted by the Animal Rights Center shows their condition is much crueler than the center had expected. ▾MOVIE | ▾Whistle-blowing and Vilification | ▾The Conditions of Hens at Night | ▾Why is this happening? | ▾Violating Global Standards AND Domestic Law | ▾Shift for Change | ▾Get on with improvements! After hens are used as egg-laying machines for one or two years, they are called waste chickens or mature chickens. They are slaughtered for meat. The meat is used for canned meat products, processed food, frozen food, ground meat, chicken extract, and chicken ham. Their big, but unhealthily white-color bent combs are used for…

Ban Gestation Crates in japan!

Breeding sows are impregnated  (through artificial insemination or copulation with  boars) about 8 months after their birth. After impregnation, each sow is placed into a gestation crate (also known as a sow stall) – A metal crate or cage with a bare slatted floor. Is so narrow that she can’t even turn around or stretch. She stays in this crate for the whole of the gestational period (115 days). Shortly before giving birth, she is moved into a farrowing crate. A farrowing crate (or, stall) is similar to a gestation crate but with bars at the sides thorough which the newborn piglets (who are kept in a small enclosure, next…

Setting Better Standards to handle animals other than cats and dogs Stop making distinctions among animals!

The Act on Welfare and Management of Animals was revised in 2020, which added a new chapter to Article 21 to set better standards to handle animals. We thought we would see great improvement in the animal handling businesses.However, according to the information we gathered in August 2020, the Ministry of Environment mentioned they had no intention of applying this to other animals than dogs or cats.Therefore, we, the Animal Rights Center, started to work together with two other groups called Japan Anti-Vivisection Association and PEACE (Put an End to Animal Cruelty and Exploitation) to negotiate with the Ministry.At the same time, we started a campaign called “#animals left behind”…

Bio sweet’s capocapo, a confectionery studio in Kyoto, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, bio sweet’s capocapo in Funai District, Kyoto Prefecture, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a natural confectionery studio with a cafe. The owner says, When procuring eggs, I actually saw cage and cage-free rearing at a local producer, and the chickens packed in the small cages were pitiful, while in cage-free rearing I saw them running around. I’m using cage-free eggs because I wanted to use eggs from freely-reared chickens. This store kindly agreed to declare cage-free. What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is…

Animal Rights de GO! manga brings to you “Self-quarantine is rough? Huh?”

This is the 4-panel manga written by Vege Manga Natsumi for Animal Rights Center’s ARC NEWS newsletter. No. 10, we’re releasing a little earlier than usual, why? because the topic is timely!! * If you’d like to reproduce it, please include the URL below and the name “Animal Rights Center Japan”. Animal Rights de GO! Series »Animal Rights de GO! 1 SOS with chicken eggs»Animal Rights de GO! 2 What pigs pray for in the end»Animal Rights de GO! 3 Cow milk is the mother’s milk»Animal Rights de GO! 4 Dolphin sold to aquarium»Animal Rights de GO! 5 Thanks to chickens?!»Animal Rights de GO! 6 Sorrow of a trapped mother»Animal…

Exposing the reality behind Japan’s chicken meat production

Internal survey published Website documenting the 50 days of a broiler chicken: 2020/10/7 Tokyo: Animal Rights Center Japan has exposed the hidden reality behind Japan’s broiler poultry farming for the first time, and has published the “50DAYS” website to inform the consumers, compiling videos and reports following the 50-day life of a broiler chicken from August 18 to October 7, 2020.  Today is the final day, when all 50 days of their lives have been revealed. Videos and Photos for the press (please use freely for the purpose of reporting) The world viewed by Mei the broiler “Mei, a baby chicken, was born at a hatchery and was trucked…

Is chicken meat really healthy? The truth compared to beef and pork

Many people seem to have the impression that meat of a bird is healthier than that of fellow mammals like cows and pigs, and therefore eating chicken preferentially. Also, these days there are people who avoid beef for environmental reasons, but continue to consume chicken, even though chicken clearly has significantly higher environmental impacts than plant protein. Chicken is as unhealthy as beef?! It’s fairly well-known that the red meat of cows and pigs leads to increased risks of cardiovascular diseases due to the saturated fat increasing LDL cholesterol.  However, there wasn’t much research comparing this to chicken, until recently. *1 According to a survey funded by the U.S. National…

Innovation Design, Ltd “SDGs management as a comprehensive weapon” goes cage free, and adopts Meat Free Monday

In response to ARCJ’s cage-free and egg-smart campaign calls, Innovation Design Ltd has declared cage-free, promising the future use of cage-free eggs at their three cafes operating in the Tokyo metropolitan area. It was last year that the company, which was originally a consulting business for restaurants, started directly managing cafes in an attempt to give shape to their sentiment. The company’s representative, who has a long history of knowledge of the SDGs, became interested in the restaurant business because of the food loss issue. The beginning was in recycling and commercializing out-of-spec vegetables to be discarded as “ReFOOD”. Furthermore, at the end of 2019, they registered their three managed…