Animal Rights Center
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MAMAHALO and kinon cafe & arts are cage free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, MAMAHALO in Miyoshi City, Aichi prefecture, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. At this shop, eggs are mainly used for chiffon cakes. Blog Also in response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, kinon cafe & arts which operates by appearing at events responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, Rather than keeping a lot of animals in a small cage and mass-producing them, I would like to see an era in…

【Petition】Fast Food Companies! Please shift from chicken to alternative meats!

We’ve launched a petition to reduce the suffering of (broiler) chickens who are made into “Japanese chicken”. As a result of severe selective breeding for weight gain, 1/4 of the broilers are said to live under chronic pain 1/3 of their lives. Because they grow so fast, even if they aren’t slaughtered for meat, they are said to not live long. The chickens, who get killed only 40-50 days after birth, spend their entire lives inside. With their growing weights, the poultry shack becomes increasingly crowded, and their bodies get dirtier without being able to sandbathe. Like human children, young chickens love new interesting things. If they were to…

Meiwakai, a social welfare corporation, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Meiwakai, a social welfare corporation based in Shizuoka, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. They operate employment support for the disabled, retirement home, and nursery schools, and at Meiwakai poultry Farm, it is the role of the handicapped persons who live in the Akiha dormitory to feed and collect the eggs. Cage-free eggs are used for meals at each facility and at Tsubasa Mei-chan’s bakery within the same business. The owner says, I think in cage-free rearing they’re more energetic and lay better eggs. We mix in the…

Charcoal workshop Sumiyanokurashi is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Sumiyanokurashi in Kariya, Miyagi, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a workshop for living alongside nature and produces charcoal, sweets, and bread, and cage-free eggs are used for cakes. The owner says, It is better to take the natural form and in that respect cage rearing is not desirable. After all, rearing a chicken in an unnatural place will cause them to lose their energy and suffer. I think it is better to circulate in a natural state without using chemicals. What is cage rearing? In cage…

Natural yeast bread Hidamari Cafe nuku nuku is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Hidamari Cafe nuku nuku in Hanno City, Saitama, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, Cage-free eggs have been used since the opening. The reason is because of course I want to use eggs from chickens who are not full of stresses. Cage-free eggs are used for cakes such as chiffon cakes. There are also vegan-friendly menu items which are also introduced on the ethical vegan website Hachidory. What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens…

A baked sweets shop TOUCA BAKE SHOP is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, a baked sweets shop TOUCA BAKE SHOP in Naha City, Okinawa responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, I use cage-free eggs because I wanted to use eggs that are properly made in Okinawa, rather than eggs from cages that are filthy and mass produced. This shop kindly agreed to declare cage-free.  In this shop, eggs are mainly used for cakes, muffins, and cookies. What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens are placed in cages…

Prima Meat Packers Ltd.- Their first step towards Gestation Crate Free

It’s a big step for a pig producer in Japan to decide they no longer use sow stalls.  We confirmed Prima Meat Packers decided to go sow stall free for their new buildings as well as the existing facility when they renovate it in the future. Prima Meat is planning to build a new swine facility in Miyagi prefecture. This facility will be the first one to implement a sow stall free system in Japan equivalent to EU standards.  There are pig farms with some sow stall free houses. However, this is especially notable since Prima Meat is one of the biggest companies in Japan. We hope this will be the first…

Kowata Shoten, in Iwate, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Kowata Shoten in Iwate responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says,   Cage-free rearing doesn’t pay compared to cage rearing. But because they lay eggs for us, I want to be particular about their rearing method.   This is a cafe that sells bread and sweets and they use cage-free eggs from Ludens farm. A simple thing we can do to reduce the number of hens who continue getting exploited in their cages and go through life immobilized is for the consumers to stop buying cage-reared…

Hiyokono Cafe House, an organic cafe is cage-free

n response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, an organic restaurant Hiyokono Cafe House in Adachi ward, Tokyo, responded that they just switched to all cage-free eggs thanks to a recent customer request, and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, I had been thinking of using cage-free eggs when I opened the cafe, but this time I got an inquiry from a customer and switched to cage-free eggs.  In my private life, I always choose cage-free eggs.  I think it’s a better choice if you can.  It is better to have food grown in an environment as close to nature as possible, and I…

Fukuwarai, a bakery in Nara, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Bakery Fukuwarai in Nara responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, At first, we used cage-free eggs as a concept of natural food, but I learned that ordinary eggs are efficiently produced with chickens trapped in tiny cages and eating bad food like genetically modified feed. When using animal products in the future, feed safety and whether animals are kept with care are important criteria, so we support the cage-free declaration. This store kindly agreed to declare cage-free.  In this bakery, eggs are used only for…

Chicken Country in Tsukishima, Tokyo, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Chicken Country in Chuo ward, Tokyo, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This restaurant serves cage-free thick omelet, omelet rice, etc.  Also, they handle some jidori chickens, which have a regulation on their breeding density. This restaurant allows companion animals in the terrace area. What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens are placed in cages and are overcrowded in order to prioritize productivity. As a result, chickens are susceptible to illness due to lack of exercise, and…

Good news! Online shop TSUKISHIZUKU is fur free!

Have you noticed that many real fur items these days are sundries such as piercings, earrings, scrunchies, and gloves?   Meanwhile, an online shop TSUKISHIZUKU, with items such as pottery and accessories by artists, and household goods purchased overseas, has announced that it is fur free and has endorsed being fur free! This shop has an admirable world view. Sincere gratitude for being fur free, and furthermore endorsing the fur free campaign. Other apparel companies, please follow suit. To eliminate cruelty from the fashion industry, please recognize that it is important to communicate the will of the company to consumers. Consumers who care about animals, please send your opinions to…

Berry Farm Toyoura in Abuta, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Berry Farm Toyoura in Abuta, Hokkaido, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a berry farm that opened in May this year and grows 700 berry plants, mainly blueberries, and there is also a cafe that can be used by non farm users. You can enjoy berry picking and on-the-spot barbecue. (Berry picking will open in summer 2021.) What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens are placed in cages and are overcrowded in order to prioritize…

Minami Aoyama Essence, wine and Chinese medicinal cooking restaurant, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Minami Aoyama Essence in Minato ward, Tokyo, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This is a Chinese medicinal cuisine restaurant and they serve various additive-free dishes. They use cage-free eggs because of the idea that natural ingredients can lead to good health. What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens are placed in cages and are overcrowded in order to prioritize productivity. As a result, chickens are susceptible to illness due to lack of exercise, and drugs are…

Lapin Noir Kurousagi, a bakery in Chichibu, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Lapin Noir Kurousagi in Chichibu, Saitama, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says, About 30 years ago when we started a bakery, we used to keep chickens and sell eggs. From that time, I took it for granted.  Cage-rearing is anyway not acceptable. They serve 50 kinds of bread made from organic ingredients like domestic wheat, 11 kinds of cookies, and several kinds of cakes. They also have vegan breads. This store kindly agreed to declare cage-free, and recognize that cage-free rearing is more natural in…

Sugiura Inbo, a wine and bistro restaurant, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, Wine bar Sugiura Inbo in Chuo-ku, Tokyo, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says. At first, I used cage-free eggs because of the poultry farm that I knew.  They were really delicious and good eggs, and I wondered why they were delicious.  As I visited the farm and learned more, I was convinced that the good environment for the animals was why the eggs were delicious . What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens are…

Soi cafe, a back alley cafe in Saitama, is cage free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, soi cafe in Shibuya, Tokyo, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. The owner says. The reason I use cage-free eggs is that I went to see an acquaintance’s poultry farm and saw the handmade food and good environment there. Cage-free eggs are made in a good environment, so I would like to use them, knowing that they will be priced accordingly. It was great to hear that they are willing to pay for the better rearing method for animals, rather than obtaining eggs cheaply and efficiently. What is…

Authentic Italian restaurant, Panzerotteria, is cage-free

In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, an Italian restaurant, Panzerotteria in Shibuya, Tokyo, responded that all the eggs they use are already cage-free and that they would support the cage-free declaration. This restaurant serves authentic Italian cuisine such as fried pizza called Panzerotti. In addition to cage-free eggs, meat from free-range cows is used as ingredients taking into account animal welfare. What is cage rearing? In cage rearing, which is the common rearing method for eggs in Japan, chickens are placed in cages and are overcrowded in order to prioritize productivity. As a result, chickens are susceptible to illness due to lack of exercise, and drugs…

Colorado to ban production and sale of eggs with cages, requiring minimum space and enrichment

On 2020/7/1, following Michigan, Colorado passed a law concerning confinement standards for egg-laying hens.  From 2025/1/1, confinement in an enclosure will be banned, as well as sale of eggs from such practice. The law clearly states at the top that this is “to protect the health and welfare of consumers, promote food safety, and advance animal welfare”. Even in cage-free housing, the law requires provision of enrichment that allow the hens to exhibit natural behaviors, including, at a minimum, scratch areas, perches, nest boxes, and dust bathing areas.  In addition, at least 1 square foot (929cm2) of usable floor space per hen is required.  In the case of single level…

Good News! Hoyu Science Foundation abolishes animal experiments in its research grants for cosmetics and quasi drugs

Regarding research grants from the “Hoyu Science Foundation” established in 2014 by hair color manufacturer Hoyu Co., Ltd. (headquarters: Nagoya, founded in 1905), for applications in the fields of cosmetics and quasi drugs, research involving animal testing will now be excluded from the selection and would no longer be subsidized, as revealed to the Cruelty Free Beauty campaign organizers made up of three groups including Animal Rights Center Japan. The new solicitation from July this year states: “This foundation encourages efforts to abolish animal experiments in the development of cosmetics (including quasi drugs).  Regarding research applications involving animal testing related to the field of cosmetics / quasi drugs, we will…