Last Chance Rescue: Saving 8 Pigs from Slaughter
Left behind at a pig farm on the brink of closure, We want to save the last 8 pigs from the fate of slaughter. We want to give these pigs a chance to live! We are rescuing 8 large farm pigs from the pig farm. We need new land, a house, fencing, transportation, food, care and everything. Please lend us your support. Please donate for the pigs. This project started in March 2024, and we are currently working at a fast pace to prepare. Although we haven't been able to share all the details yet, we are working as quickly as possible to free the pigs from their concrete pens.…
Urgent Report: The Rescued Pigs’ Journey and the Price They Paid

On May 19th and 20th, we went to a pig farm that was closing down to rescue eight pigs who had been left behind and were scheduled for slaughter. We planned to picked up two pigs for long-distance transport on the night of the 19th and transport the remaining six pigs from early morning on the 20th to finish before it get hot. The destination for these pigs is split between three locations: two pigs will go to the “Ehime Sanctuary (tentative name),” four pigs will go to the “Future Cottage for Animals,” and the remaining two pigs will go to the “Future Home for Animals.” These three locations together…

We purchased land for pigs to live on: Pig Rescue

Animal Rights Center Japan is working hard to rescue eight pigs from the cages of a closing pig farm. However, it was discovered that the originally planned land could not be used to build houses for the pigs due to land use restrictions. As a result, with nowhere else for the four pigs to go, we hastily purchased land with a workshop for 8.5 million yen. The land is not large, so it will be limited to four of the eight pigs to be rescued this time. While it may be possible to keep more pigs if the living space is slightly smaller, we have ensured a certain size to…

Last Chance Rescue: Save 8 pigs from slaughter

This project started in March 2024, and we are currently working at a fast pace to prepare. Although we haven’t been able to share all the details yet, we are working as quickly as possible to free the pigs from their concrete pens. We will be releasing more information on this site and our social media. Please follow us! SOS! Please donate for the pigs’ new lives! We will provide updates and detailed cost breakdowns in the latest information below. Background of the Project At a pig farm nearing closure, there was a case of multi-animal hoarding and neglect involving dogs and cats. There, 9 pigs had been left behind…