When you trace back where your food came from, you’ll find many footprints. By the time they get on your plate, some ingredients use a lot of water, emit greenhouse gases, afflict animals, and slaughter animals. For the energy to support you for 24 hours, how much resources are you using and causing suffering? To choose food with thought, let’s first follow your footprint. https://www.hopeforanimals.org/animal-footprint-en/ On 2021/6/25, Animal Rights Center Japan released “Food Footprint Calculator” for knowing the impacts of what we eat. By entering your food consumption into this calculator, you can find out: How many animals you eat each year How many hours of animal suffering you cause…
① SIGN THE OPEN LETTER TO THE FIRST MINISTER OF SCOTLAND Deformed. Diseased. Eaten alive by parasites. Our shocking new investigation reveals countless salmon on Scottish farms are suffering such torments every year. What’s more, the industry is set for massive expansion by 2030 – and Japan is financially supporting the growth of this industry. Japan imported as much as 1,194 tons of salmon in 2019. Compared to 763 tons in 2018, it increased by nearly 1.6 times. It’s crucial we act now to end this endemic cruelty to these sensitive, intelligent animals. Please, sign our open letter today. Urge the Scottish Government to halt the expansion of this industry until tougher welfare…
On the very day she was born at a hatchery, she was taken to the farm.She is a chick of a “broiler” chicken for meat.Her birthday is 8/18.She is to be killed 50 days later, to be chicken meat.Mei and others don’t know that.For 50 days, we’ll report on the world viewed by Mei. Please sign up for our newsletter to follow her 50 days with us. Please sign the petition to support the activity to save chicks like Mei. https://50days.jp *This website is in Japanese, but the posts on our social media are translated into English (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) #50DAYS All these activities are supported by donation. Please donate…
Companies that contributed to expanding animal welfare Animal Welfare Award (AWA) is an award annually* selecting and giving thanks to companies that consider animals and work on animal welfare in Japan which is lagging behind the world in terms of animal welfare for livestock and aquaculture animals. In the view of Animal Rights Center Japan that works to protect livestock animals in Japan, efforts resulting in the biggest impacts have been recognized. * The first round covers efforts from 2019 through March 2020. The Results
Cage-free, Eggsmart, we want your company to make a change, and we are conducting a campaign. Please check the campaign site below.
On June 13, 2019, the certified nonprofit organization Animal Rights Center Japan (Tokyo) launched the [Rethink-Milk.com] campaign, aiming to solve the issue of dairy cows getting their milk taken while being constricted by short chains or ropes for extended periods, unallowed to even walk. In this campaign, we will shed light to the existing situations of dairy cows in Japan, and the suffering and impacts on dairy cows brought about by tethering, and also raise public awareness by publishing questionnaire results from dairy manufacturers, and promote conversion to non-tethering rearing methods (free-range, free barn, free stall). Supermarkets are stocked with milk from animals suffering from tethering, and are not yet…
10 Olympians started the campaign to demand animal welfare at 2020 Tokyo Olympics. They said “If you do not update the policies and food quality acceptable in our city’s Olympic Games, your city could be viewed as behind the global trend toward improved welfare standards for animals in factory farms. This is extremely problematic.”
15 celebrities have commented against the restraint of pigs: sow stalls. Musician Masami Akita, Professor of Animal Behavior at the University of Colorado Mark Bekov , Faculty of History, Bukkyo University (Tibetan Buddhist Culture) Professor Toshinzo Onoda, Rissho University Associate Professor Muneyuki Nakamura , Princeton University Human Value Center Bioethics Professor Peter Singer, Professor Rakugo Tachikawa Hachibayashi Rakugo, Musician SunPlaza Nakano-kun, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Tokyo Prof. Masaki Ichinose, Peer Counselor Human Rights Activist Yuho Azumi, Picture Book Writer / Painter / Poet Sakiaki You, Sculptor Kumi Kanatsu, Animal Journalist Eiki Sato Tenri University Faculty of Human Studies Professor Chihiro Asakawa, Japan Women’s University…
The multi-partisan parliamentary group aiming for zero killing of dogs and cats has established a project team for amending the Animal Welfare Act. Since its launch on August 25, 2023, the PT has held 21 meetings to hear from stakeholders and deliberate on the direction of amendments. Out of these 21 sessions, however, only one touched on livestock animals, and just one on laboratory animals. Despite 1 billion livestock animals being killed annually, the issue remains far from the priorities of lawmakers. In the sole PT meeting addressing livestock, the discussions showed promise, but it is unlikely to expect significant amendments by 2025 at this rate. 17th PT: Hearings on…