Animal Rights Center
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A sustainable cafe that cares for the global environment, Gypsy’s mile cafe, is cage-free

This cafe is located in Takeda City, Oita Prefecture, Japan.  In response to an inquiry from Animal Rights Center Japan, they responded that all of the eggs they use are already cage-free, and that they would support the cage-free declaration.  It’s a cafe that is friendly and cares about the connection with people and nature.  The owner had lived in Australia before and knew that most of the eggs in supermarkets there are cage-free and that animal welfare in Japan is lagging behind. Gypsy’s mile Cafe’s website says, We live in a time when there is a lot of artificial flavors and tastes, but this can lead to various diseases,…

2020 Grant standards for “Comprehensive Subsidies for Developing Strong Agriculture & Leaders”: Just a small addition for animal welfare

There are various support systems for the livestock industry implemented by the country, and one of them is the Comprehensive Subsidies for Developing Strong Agriculture & Leaders. As previously reported in another article, from 2018, when using this grant to establish a local meat production center (slaughterhouse for pigs, cattle, etc.), “consideration for animal welfare” has become required, and it has become necessary to install drinking water at the slaughterhouse, which ARCJ had been asking for. The vague phrase “consideration for animal welfare” is not specific and limits executive power.  However, the addition of such item to the standards for the grant system is a step forward.  But animal welfare…

Effects of the Novel Coronavirus on World’s Animal Agriculture: Part 1

The world is panicking about the novel coronavirus, but what effects is it having on animal agriculture? In many places eateries have closed due to restrictions on going out, and food is being bought out at supermarkets.  A problem is, because agricultural products for eateries and for markets differ in forms like packaging, the system is not equipped to simply redirect what used to go to restaurants to supermarkets.  Not just eateries, but the situation is the same with cafeterias at schools and workplaces that are now closed. Milk: sold out at stores, but being dumped at dairy farms All agricultural products are affected, but the most perishable of livestock…

[Cage-Free Declaration] A path opened by one owner’s life

The vegetable garden Chiisanate, run by Mr. Yoshiki Takashiro, a unique owner who has studied technical agriculture, worked at a food company, and has the experience of joining the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), has made a cage-free declaration. The owner is a food and agriculture elite, but his life had been a constant struggle with deceptions about food and agriculture. When he first got a job at a food company, he was so shocked by the amount of additives used in products that he was overwhelmed by the negative impact on society and he couldn’t like his job. Then, wanting to work for people for the world…

FPD (Footpad Dermatitis) of Broiler Chickens

One of the animal welfare indicators of broiler chicken production is FPD (Footpad Dermatitis). The rate of the FPD incidence indicates the quality of bedding, if there’s overcrowding, or if the strain* of broiler is appropriate or not.**A high rate of FPD has been reported in Japan. According to a survey on occurrence of FPD in broiler chicken production***, “FPD was observed in all groups that were investigated. In some groups, every single individual was confirmed to have FPD.” The causes for FPD include poor floor conditions and environments where birds are crammed together in one place. When FPD gets severe, birds have a hard time walking due to the pain, and suffer from stress and fever. In…

Animal Welfare Award

Companies that contributed to expanding animal welfare Animal Welfare Award (AWA) is an award annually* selecting and giving thanks to companies that consider animals and work on animal welfare in Japan which is lagging behind the world in terms of animal welfare for livestock and aquaculture animals. In the view of Animal Rights Center Japan that works to protect livestock animals in Japan, efforts resulting in the biggest impacts have been recognized. * The first round covers efforts from 2019 through March 2020. The Results

Which will you choose? Cage-free? or Egg-smart?

Cage-free, Eggsmart, we want your company to make a change, and we are conducting a campaign. Please check the campaign site below.

Japan Laboratory Animals, Inc. goes bankrupt

A well-known company in the laboratory animals industry, Japan Laboratory Animals, Inc*1, began its bankruptcy process on April 1, 2020.*2 This company was founded in 1949 and established in 1965.  Mainly handling medium-sized animals such as monkeys, beagle dogs, and pigs, the company engaged in raising and selling laboratory animals such as rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, and mice, commissioned breading/research/testing, and breeding equipment and feed wholesales. In Japan, there are not many companies that deal with raising laboratory animals.  Japan Laboratory Animals was known for its high reliability, having the Laboratory Animal Engineer qualifications (tiers 1 and 2) as a mid-sized company in the industry, and having established a sterile…

Eggs are unhealthy: why we shouldn’t eat them even though they’re cheap

Cover photo from Wikimedia Chicken eggs, which sometimes only cost about 10 yen (~0.10 USD/EUR) each, are often said to be nutritious… but should we really be eating them? The average person in Japan consumes as many as 337 eggs per year — the 2nd highest in the world (as of 2018) *1.  Some may feel that we’re not eating nearly one egg a day, but eggs turn out to be in many products when you look at the ingredients list, like in baked goods and mayonnaise.   The ‘raw’ truth in Japan Salmonella contamination: 1 in every 400 eggs! Would you like some pesticides with your eggs? Cholesterol: Eggs…

Starvation is an Ultimate Form of Animal Abuse

Say NO to Practice of Starving Animal to Death in Industry A broiler chicken company in Wakayama prefecture reportedly starved 140,000 chickens to death in 2020. The company belonged to the Arita Poultry Agricultural Cooperative. According to Wakayama prefecture, a chicken slaughterhouse owned by the same owner of this broiler chicken company went bankrupt first, which resulted in the inability to relocate the chickens , then starvation. They claimed they could not afford putting these chickens down, either. The prefecture didn’t step in to help euthanize the birds, either. And yet, the prefecture promptly executed an aid to clean up the corpses that cost approximately 100 million JPY, and handed…

Long-Neglected “Honey” Dies: what caused this tragedy are those who paid for aquariums

The dolphin “Honey”, who had been confined to a small cage called a pool at Inubosaki Marine Park (closed), died of obstructive enteritis, as released to the media on March 29 *1. When our partner organization PEACE checked, the last visit by the health center was on March 18, after which they had been told to just wait for a public announcement from the operating company. Just the day before the announcement was made, Animal Rights Center Japan staff had gone to view. Yesterday’s report 2020/4/3 16:00.  Looking at the Inubozaki Marine Park from the road, a caretaker was seen feeding dozens of penguins by the pool. In the small pool…

Ryokan goes cage-free only a week after knowing the truth: “Tabinoyado Saikawa”

In March 2020, we inquired the young owner of Tabinoyado Saikawa about making a cage-free declaration.  This ryokan was an inn that newly created a vegan option, and they knew the significance of a lifestyle that promotes diversity and eliminates animal products.  And when we introduced a cage-free egg farm available in Aomori, they went cage-free right away.  They researched the current state of the animals and made the decision immediately. All shelled eggs used have already been switched immediately.  They are also gradually switching over eggs contained in processed foods like mayonnaise. Currently, travel is difficult due to the novel coronavirus, but hopefully this pandemic will subside in the summer,…

[Slaughterhouse in Japan] Tether too short to even lie down, tied overnight without even water

 December 2019, midnight. At a slaughterhouse in Japan, this cow was tied with a very short rope passed through the nose ring, awaiting slaughter the next morning. The length of the rope was so short that the cow could not lie down, and even limited his ability to move the head up or down.  The cow with his behavior severely restricted continued to stand there, stepping and licking around the mouth with his tongue.  Not even a water drinking facility.  Even if there were, his mouth probably couldn’t reach there with the short rope.  He is in this state until he is killed the next day. Ability to drink…

Japan’s animal welfare, why it’s so behind

We will answer questions from people who wonder “Why is animal welfare in Japan so far behind the world”. Reason 1: In the first place, Japan’s animal agriculture is behind In Japan, there was no animal agriculture to begin with.  It began to spread from prewar to postwar, and the technology related to animal agriculture, let alone animal welfare, has been introduced late.  Whether factory-style animal farming or the cruel in-line slaughter lines, they came in late.  Today’s terrible animal farming technology that restrains animals was only imported from the West. Animal welfare is lagging equally.  And that delay is gradually widening, like 30 years, 50 years.  For example in…

2020 Awareness survey regarding livestock animals – The awareness remains low

Since 2016, Animal Rights Center Japan has been conducting a survey once a year using a private company to find out how much awareness there is about the actual rearing conditions of livestock animals. We have now conducted a survey for 2020, so will report the results. The questions are the following 10 items. Do you know that many of the mother pigs are confined in gestation stalls, small enclosures in which they can’t turn around? Do you know that many of the piglets are castrated and have their teeth and tails clipped without anesthesia? Do you know that many of the chickens for eggs are kept in metal wire…

HORIZON FARMS makes triple AW declarations, with cage-free and better chicken

HORIZON FARMS has made animal welfare declarations, one for stall-free in February, and then cage-free and better chicken in March. Horizon Farms, which has been procuring meat with commitment to animal welfare in rearing methods since its beginning, is a company that has always considered the inquiries of us animal protection groups seriously and thinks about what they can do for farm animals.  The company, as noted on its website, only procures meat from farms that thoroughly take care of the reared animals.  For this reason most is imported from overseas, but this time it will begin procuring cage-free eggs from a carefully selected domestic poultry farm; the triple declarations…

Revealing the Country’s Low Standards – Draft Animal Welfare Codes for Egg Laying Hens

The comments by our government were the worst The comments by our government were the worst The OIE (World Organization for Animal Health) submitted the third draft for animal welfare codes for egg laying hens. It will be adopted in May 2020 after concerned countries review it and give feedback about this draft. Japan also reviewed and submitted its comments to the OIE after holding committees called “OIE liaison committee” from the end of December 2019 through January 2020. You can view each member’s comment here. The government’s feedback was as though it would overwrite these members’ opinions.* Here is the summary of the comments by our government: They commented…

Parliamentary League for Animal Welfare Established!

On 2020/2/19, the Parliamentary League for Animal Welfare was established as suprapartisan (including ruling, opposition, and independent parties) led by Constitutional Democratic Party members. The introduction said that the establishment was based on a strong desire to work on animal welfare, livestock animals, and laboratory animals that are left behind in the Animal Protection Law.  Thank you to all the interested members of the Parliament. We strongly hope that we will be able to achieve world-standard animal welfare while involving the industry. One week prior, on February 12, a study session was held for an introduction to animal welfare with the invitation of Tohoku University Emeritus Professor Sosuke Sato.  Introduced…

” Compassion for All Animals” T-shirt limited-supply sale begins

Due to popular demand, we’ve created the “Compassion for all animals” T-shirt with a limited supply. Refreshing design for the spring & summer born out of the logo for the March for Animals held on 2020/1/26. Being 100% organic cotton, it’ll be perfect for the upcoming seasons. Sales end when the supply goes away, so order early. Order from the website below (recommended for those buying multiple), or purchase one via PayPal from the bottom of this page. To buy just one “Compassion for all animals” T-shirt: * There will be a shipping fee for each shirt.  If purchasing multiple, we recommend “Compassion for all animals” T-shirt ¥2,200(including…

HORIZON FARMS, caring about animal welfare since the beginning, declares stall-free

After considering animal welfare alone, HORIZON FARMS, which is committed to free-range grazing, has made a stall-free declaration, promising to never lock mother pigs into gestation stalls, now and in the future.  According to HORIZON FARMS staff, they make procurements while constantly checking with rigorous eyes whether especially the pregnant pigs are spending time relaxed, whether they have good care during child bearing, and whether the interactions between piglets and mother pigs are realized. At HORIZON FARM, which asserts that “In low-cost, high-volume animal agriculture, animal welfare is ignored. We never compromise the health of the animals and the consumers for the sake of increasing productivity”, they offer meat from…