Animal Rights Center
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World’s Meat Companies Work on Producing Plant-based Meats

World’s 2nd largest meat producer Tyson Foods announced that it will debut their own plant-based protein alternatives this summer.  Tyson Foods had previously invested in the plant-based meat company Beyond Meat, but in April this year Tyson sold its stake, intending to produce its own alternative products.  According to research, the US meat-substitute retail market could reach $2.5 billion by 2023. (*1)   Many other companies are engaged in this space, especially in Europe and North America. Canada’s largest meat product manufacturer Maple Leaf Foods bought the well-known plant-based brands Lightlife and Field Roast in 2017, and in October 2018 established a new plant-based food branch Greanleaf Foods (*2).  In April this…

Nanakusano sato (Matsuda Mayonnaise) A Japanese company that only uses cage-free eggs

Nanakusano sato is a company that produces natural mayonnaise called “Matsuyda no Mayonnaise.” We found out the eggs this company uses are all cage-free. The company intends to keep this policy in the future. We confirmed this is the first Japanese company with such a policy. They said the reason they only use cage-free eggs is “it’s just simply natural.” This is from their website: What is natural? Don’t touch much. Don’t add much. Keep the conventional way. It takes effort, but it is natural to take time. Don’t overdo. Let nature take care of things. Nature will take care of crops, birds, and fermentation. While there are companies who…

Agriculture in Japan: is only a short-term perspective ok?

It was shocking to hear the response by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) to a question about animal welfare at the Tokyo Olympics asked by Councilor Katsuya Ogawa from Hokkaido at the House of Councilors Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Shocking response 1.  Perhaps MAFF doesn’t know much about the group rearing of pigs? The OIE Pig Welfare Policy was established in May 2018, and it recommends that the sows be bred in groups, indicating that pregnancy stall breeding does not satisfy animal welfare (OIE Animal Welfare Code: Animal Welfare and Pig Production System.  Article 7.13.1). In promoting group rearing, MAFF has expressed concerns as follows:…

Good news! Fashion Center Shimamura is fur-free!

We learned that the 2nd largest apparel company in the country, “Shimamura Group” had stopped selling fur (real fur) and has been fur-free since 2018, thanks to a response we received from Shimamura Company Ltd. Shimamura Group has 1430 stores in Japan just counting the Fashion Center Shimamura, holds about 700 other stores for brands such as Avail and children’s clothing Birthday, and is also advancing to Taiwan and Shanghai. With the Shimamura Group having gone fur-free, the 2nd largest company has become fur-free following the top Japanese apparel company Fast Retailing, representing 45% of the industry with the two companies combined. Until now, when the ethical life creator Azumi…

Tethering of Dairy Cows Remain Common in Japan while European Countries Move toward Ban

Did you know that the majority of dairy farms in Japan tie the cows pretty much permanently with tethers or chains such that they can’t move sideways or back and forth? As many as 73% of dairy farms in Japan use such tie-stalls as the primary rearing method. Dairy cows in tie-stalls in Japan (ARCJ) They can’t even move away from floors covered in feces.(ARCJ) If you were forced to live on feces, tied down like this every day, how would you feel? Japan has no regulations regarding tethering of dairy cows, unlike in Europe. Regulations and Status in Europe In Denmark, 85% of cows used to be tethered in…

Slaughterhouses abandon chickens for 72 hours MAFF’s Third Warning

n November 2018, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Wealth (MHLW) released an investigation report on the matter of slaughterhouses cramming chickens in cages and abandoning them for long hours. 72 hours of Abandonment The investigation by the MHLW was mentioned during the deliberation for the Ministry of Forestry, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MAFF) in the Diet on 21st November 2018. According to the report, the MHLW investigated 28 slaughterhouses out of 32 (as of 2016) in the country, excluding three houses in Okayama and one in Fukuoka. Investigations conducted by the MHLW typically focus on sanitary issues. Therefore, the results don’t present the facts that chickens cannot raise their heads…

Tokyo Olympics:Far From Giving Great Impressions of Japan – It may have opposite effects?

It may wind up having opposite effects? On March 13th 2019, Mr. Akihiro Hatsushika, a diet member from Tokyo asked questions about animal welfare with regards to the procurement of livestock for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics to Minister Yoshitaka Sakurada, who is in charge of this issue, at the House of Representatives Committee on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In response to the general-policy speech given by the ministry that stated “In the Olympic village, we’ll use domestic ingredients in order to promote Japan …,” Mr. Hatsushika pointed out that many athletes already showed their concern about animal welfare issues in Japan, so it may indeed have opposite…

Over 40,000 pigs got hog cholera – meaninglessly killed and yet more pigs will be bred

In February 2019, hog cholera crossed the border of Gifu prefecture and reached Aichi, Nagano, Shiga, and Osaka prefectures. There are many livestock producers in the area of Tahara-city of Aichi prefeture. Many pigs have been killed since cholera was first observed in Gifu prefecture in 2018. The number of pigs killed has risen to 40,000 in total as of February 2019. It is horrifying to imagine there will be more pigs killed considering the concentration of such business in Tahara city in Aichi. The reports by media and comments by concerned parties only focus on economical damage. However, the biggest loss and victims are indeed pigs. It is not…

Making them fight in confinement, discarding the wounded, and killing them. Demand a ban on cockfighting.

They put two male roosters (shamo) in a small enclosure where they cannot escape, make them fight, enjoy it, and bet money.  The chickens bleed from their heads and bodies, and even bones get exposed, and then the winner and loser are determined.  They mercilessly discard the chickens who lost and became useless.  Female chickens who cannot be used for cockfighting, and male chickens used as underdogs by getting their claws and beaks cut off then become battered are also discarded.  It is said that they cut off the lower beak to make a rooster defenseless and make him fight with a healthy rooster and bet on how many minutes the fight…

Sanyo Shokai (EPOCA, Paul Stuart etc) will be fur free from Fall Winter 2019!

Apparel company “Sanyo Shokai” with multiple brands such as EPOCA, Paul Stuart, APOLIS, etc. prohibits the use of real fur from the Fall / Winter collection in 2019. They announced it in  “On the future growth strategy for the third quarter of 2018”  at October 2018. In order to respect the dignity of animals, the use of real fur is prohibited from the use of autumn and winter items of 2019 • All brands · All products ban the use of furs such as mink, fox, rabbit, raccoon, kangaroo etc (including miscellaneous goods and partial use) A lot of famous apparel companies such as Gucci, Chanel, coaches, etc. have declared the…

Farm Animal Welfare and Slaughterhouses Discussed in Parliament

“I must say that animal welfare is not pursued at slaughterhouses” It was Mr. Keiji Horikoshi, a monk, and a member of the House of Representatives, who raised the issue of animal welfare in slaughterhouses, which had not been included in the original discussions of this group. The Environmental Committee had been long held off during the extraordinary diet session. On Dec 5th 2017, the committee finally took place where Mr. Horikoshi from the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan chose animal welfare issues as his first question. “… especially, there is a belief where Buddha exists in every single thing, including mountains, grass, trees, and rivers in relation to importance of lives, which is called “Sansensoumokushikkaijoubutsu.” This…

Marriott International is going cage free including hotels in Japan!

Marriott International is going cage-free by 2025! Please find their official statement from the link below. If you do not know the problem of caged eggs, you can find articles about caged eggs from this link. A costumer asked them if this policy is also applied to hotels in Japan. They said yes! They also told her that they can serve you vegan meal at their hotels if you are vegan. *Animal Rights Center is still waiting for the response from Marriott International Japan. Marriott International is the biggest hotel chain company in the world. There are also many hotels in Japan owned or managed by Marriott. We believe that…

PIAS group decided to abolish animal testing on cosmetics and quasi-drugs this fiscal year

On 7th December, we(Cruelty Free Beauty : CFB) visited PIAS Group headquarters in Osaka, we did discussion with managing directors and then, finally, they decided they will abolish animal testing on cosmetics and quasi-drugs at the end of 2018 (end of March 2019) Since starting the campaign in September 2018, PIAS Group began to respond to our approach and serious consultations began to be held for discontinuation within the company through officers and all departments.And thanks to the power of everyone who approached the signature and gave a loud voice, a wonderful decision was made. Especially, after we submitted the signature of 21,166 people at the first discussion held on…

Rescue of egg-laying hens who were slated to be killed because of walking difficulties

Following the rescue of two birds who have been fostered by the Open Sesame sanctuary, the Animal Rights Center rescued two egg-laying hens from a battery cage farm.  They had difficulty walking and were about to be killed because they could not lay eggs. Their foster parents are Mrs. Ujiie, who had earlier taken in the battery cage chickens Koharu and Satsuki as their family. In the big yard at the family’s, the two birds were able to feel for the first time the feeling of the green grass well lit by the sun. They are still not able to walk as they wish. One of the birds cannot move…

Farm Animals in Japan

Mother Sows in Captivity:sow stall in Japan A rearing method which has been illegalized in many countries is still used at more than 88% of pig farms in Japan. These are photos taken between 2015 and 2017 at Japanese hog raising farms. Sows are shut in a small cage called a sow stall (gestation create). Sows spend almost all of their entire life in a cage in which they cannot walk or turn. Sows engage in abnormal behaviors such as biting their cages, continuously doing chewing motions without food in their mouths, and drinking water without stopping. The EU banned sow stalls in 2013, and ten states in America have banned them.…

Asking Companies to Work on Animal Welfare

We are submitting these petitions to companies that use animal-derived ingredients. “Please Do Not Lock Down Laying Hens in Japan” “Petition against Sow Stall” We are also explaining the comapanies about animal welfare, and also giving them suggestions of what they can do to improve animal welfare as a company. Companies to which we submitted petitions Ryohin Keikaku Co.,Ltd. They started working on animal issues comparatively early than other companies in Japan. They stopped using fur and wool which was produced with mulesing. They also run cafes and they are trying to use cage-free eggs as much as they can. We asked them for further comittment for animal welfare. NISSIN…

Stop Using Tie-stall Housing System for Rearing Cows

Dairy Cows Some forms do not tie cows until cows get old enough to be able to produce milk. However, often farms tie cows after they became able to produce milk until they die. Tie-stall housing system Survey taken by 畜産技術協会*1 shows that 72.9 percent of farms in Japan take method of tie-stall system as a main rearing method of cows.  In this method, cows are tied and their movement is very limitted. They cannot walk or turn around. Free stall, free barn  24.6 percent of farms in Japan take method of free stall or free barn. Free stall (cows can walk around in the pen and when they want to rest,…

Morgan Mitchell joins Legacy For Animals campaign

At the athletes village we are asking for the 100% sourcing of eggs from non-cage facilities (cage-free / free-range) and for the 100% sourcing of pork from gestation crate-free facilities (no gestation crates.) We ask the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games to make the best effort to meet this goal and inform the public about their progress.

Stop Using Horses–Abuse against horses at shrine’s festival in 2018

The Fujisaki Hachimangu Shuki Reitaisai festival was held on September 16th 2018 in Kumamoto prefecture at which abuse against horses took place again. The most noticeable incident was where horses were beaten with whips numerous times during the break, and cheers from the audience broke out every time horses kicked their back legs. The video showing the incident was picked up, and covered by lots of media outlets. However, abuse cases did not end there. We failed charges against three malicious cases for abuse, which were captured on videos. These charges have been accepted. Please sign petition here! Don’t use horses for festivals! Sign petition Process for these charges “Isn’t…

Let’s gather power for the final walk! Fur FREE Marching @ Tokyo 2006 – 2017

From 2006 to 2017 fur free march, many people supported.Let’s gather the power once again in the end!For animals to be made fur. Walk for animals! Join us for animals! November 10th 2018(Saturday) 13:30 Meeting point : Yoyogi park Keyaki Namiki Time might be change Please wear black clothes